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WTF?? why do people hate?

11 October 2001
Clearwater, Fl
you know after having an NSX as my daily driver for the last 5 years i've came across things that happen that are not always pleasent (haters)
Glad to say not often but just pisses me off.
Last night some smart ass decided to put a lock on my wheel(like you would use for a high school locker) on one of the spokes so when i drove the car it shuck so bad i could not go faster than 50mph or the car would just shake itself to death!!! it was like having really loose lug nuts which i thought it was at first.
Where do people come up with this stuff? i would have loved to see the person do this to my car.
Granted my car was on a back street parked on the side of the road as Valey parking was full.
sorry just had to vent.:frown: :frown:
ya i had some fktard at my complex pour paint thinner on 2 of my cars. :mad:

and ya... it lifted the paint completely. fken spineless mother f'er. if i found out who it was, i would seriously cut them up and end them then go to work on their complete blood line.

one of these days i want to just catch one of these spineless pos red handed. I would vent all this bottled up bs on them and just go postal.

I had idiots hit my cars while it was parked.... more than once.... acturally like 3 times in the last year. + this stubid paint thinner bs is just pissing me off. Had some idiot drop a trash can on the 405... which i hit and it totally screwed up my GREDDY front mount intercooler and paint. 300$ deductable is real crap. In this POS world you need to stick to 100$ deductable. I learnt my lesson.

Found out about the paint thinner the same day i got my Ferrari.... it was suppose to be a very happy day but that shit really put a cramp on my style. Im still trying to find a way to figure out who it was so i can gut this moron

my only solice is that i make more in one day than they do in a week.

people.... what can you do. idiots cant make it in life, they have to rune what you worked hard to earn.

that high school lock trick is pretty slick tho! think what would have happened if they had 4! your car would rattle it self apart :D
you know after having an NSX as my daily driver for the last 5 years i've came across things that happen that are not always pleasent (haters)
Glad to say not often but just pisses me off.
Last night some smart ass decided to put a lock on my wheel(like you would use for a high school locker) on one of the spokes so when i drove the car it shuck so bad i could not go faster than 50mph or the car would just shake itself to death!!! it was like having really loose lug nuts which i thought it was at first.
Where do people come up with this stuff? i would have loved to see the person do this to my car.
Granted my car was on a back street parked on the side of the road as Valey parking was full.
sorry just had to vent.:frown: :frown:

People are generically all good, as we are all pure when we are born. But we become blinded and clouded by our environment, experiences, and society that puts so much importance on materialism.

Don't be so mad about it. For one, it has past. For two, you are expecting some stranger to act the way you would personally, which wasn't what happened to you.

You have no control of that. Just don't become someone like them and continue the chain.

People are generically all good, as we are all pure when we are born. But we become blinded and clouded by our environment, experiences, and society that puts so much importance on materialism.

Don't be so mad about it. For one, it has past. For two, you are expecting some stranger to act the way you would personally, which wasn't what happened to you.

You have no control of that. Just don't become someone like them and continue the chain.


w0rds 0f wisd0m right here; but we are 0nIy humans, fantasizing 0f p0ppin' that magg0t and draggin' em sideways heIps a bit th0ugh;
Is there like a webcam you can install and record people around your car, and maybe you can have a monitor that they can see they are being recorded so they won't attempt anything.

Or would the wrong doer just put a mask on?

What do you guys think?
i dont know about the inherantly good part any more.

i try my best to help out but man is it dishearting seeing all the bull s people do.

i think we are born inherantly bad but am taught by society to be good and conform. but taking the tiger out of the wild does not take the wild out of the tiger.

given the chance to do wrong, steal,to mame and kill with out recourse or consiquence, i would be suprised if anyone wants to be good.

i was thinking about the camera thing. mount it in the car so when they mess with it i get a copy on the home computer, then i find them and do damage. but i dont want to go and buy a camera and beat the sht out of this idiot and get in trouble.

if i know who it is, you bet your pretty nickel it will get ugly.
man nothing beats that. i do think of worse things to keep my mind set in perspective


if that hottie in your avatar is yours, you have it pretty good. i want me one just like that
man nothing beats that. i do think of worse things to keep my mind set in perspective


if that hottie in your avatar is yours, you have it pretty good. i want me one just like that

That's my ex and my old NSX i keep meaning to change that avatar...
ya i had some fktard at my complex pour paint thinner on 2 of my cars. :mad:

Found out about the paint thinner the same day i got my Ferrari.... it was suppose to be a very happy day but that shit really put a cramp on my style.

Do you live in an apartment complex and have multiple cars of which one is a Ferrari?

dont ask me why. i just do.

its more of a condo living. got my own 2 car garage with lift... so i park 3 in there and the rest of them are out in the complex and on the street. if could fit 2 lifts in there and park 4 i would have done it a long time ago. im short by about 4 inches on the side.

i got supra, nsx and ferrari in the garage. i have my other nsx at a boat storage place along with my boat.. and truck and other cars laying around the complex and on the street. It sucks. i need a house with a 10 car garage to store all these babies of mine.

yes i get stubid blank stairs all the time from neighbours...

homes are expensive. im waiting for it to cool. rent for 1400 a month or pay 3500 in morgages 1/2 which goes to the bank. rather be in the black than leveraged to death.

hot car and hot ex.

the avatar is too small. there is no need to change it, looks fine the way it is, just need to post one in original format size tho :D
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People are generically all good, as we are all pure when we are born. But we become blinded and clouded by our environment, experiences, and society that puts so much importance on materialism.

Don't be so mad about it. For one, it has past. For two, you are expecting some stranger to act the way you would personally, which wasn't what happened to you.

You have no control of that. Just don't become someone like them and continue the chain.


and we all learn the golden rule too.

i don't care who you are or how stupid you are, just because your life sucks doesn't mean you should be wrecking other people's stuff.... this same person would flip if somebody did something like that to their 1990 dodge shadow.

god, i don't even know what i would do if i found somebody doing something to my car..... all i know is i would have to serve a prison sentence and the person wouldn't have their reproductive organs attached to their body anymore
i try my best to help out but man is it dishearting seeing all the bull s people do.

understand completely. House broken into by crackheads three times, attempted break in to my old car twice, one car stolen.:mad: Moved to japan no problems since!:smile:
Did you consider it could be another tenant that does not appreciate your taking up so many stalls in/around the complex? Just a thought.

I like the camera idea but not mounted in the car. I would figure some way to mount it above the stalls and make it either time lapse or motion detector sensored.

Also, with all you apparently have, I am surprised you get that upset about vehicle damage. That is a just apart of having nice stuff and living in a situation where probably none of the other residents have that or close to that.

I noted your comment about not asking re the condo, so I assume at present you do not have a choice about buying/renting a house with an appropriate garage or at least driveway to handle all of your cars/trucks/boats/planes/submarines, etc. That makes it hard.

Maybe consider storing all of your toys in some secure facility and just drive the 3 you can secure in your garage until your living situation changes. Good Luck and I know it it suicks about the damage to your cars.
If the only reason you do not own a home is because of inflated prices -- consider buying a home, and hedging with housing index futures (not sure if puts available yet or not -- brand spankin' new financial product) offered on CME. They track regional residential housing prices based on indices created by Fiserv/CSW. Not a perfect hedge, and not much liquidity yet, but it'll get there.

People are generically all good, as we are all pure when we are born. But we become blinded and clouded by our environment, experiences, and society that puts so much importance on materialism.

Don't be so mad about it. For one, it has past. For two, you are expecting some stranger to act the way you would personally, which wasn't what happened to you.

You have no control of that. Just don't become someone like them and continue the chain.


Exactly. Karma's a b*$%tch, and what goes around comes back around.
only use two stalls. im the one using my garage to its completeness and above.... 3 cars in a 2 car garage... 1/2 monkeys i see have their garage packed full crap and not even one car is parked in it. :rolleyes:

I had guy across the lane, his garage is so full of crap everytime he opened the door something roled out off the pile.

Yes i have a shop and am going to us it as storage also for the autos.
The best you can do is stay away from people that drain you down and be with people that will lift you up.

There are those friends you have that always seem to get in trouble or cause you trouble. Stay away from those.

And there are friends that foster learning, growth, and prosperity. You want to be around these.

If you have enough friends that you can count with your fingers, than you are already better off than most people.

Remember it is not quantity that counts. It's the quality of your friends.:smile:

As per the people who steal and destroy other's property. You notice any happy ones. They got tons more problems and are most likely in a lot of pain and suffering. So forgive them as they just don't really know better.

There is a country called Bhutan that has zero crime rate that is 100% Buddhist. Buddhism gives you specific reasons why you don't steal. There is a mechanism that we will never understand that balances everything around us. Everything is from causation and it is an everlasting force that balances everything one way or the other. People realize only the immediate effects of their actions, but tend to ignore the ones that effect you a little later.

You can't control how others need to act, but you can control how you react to others.

Controlling yourself and training yourself to deal with these mishaps in life takes practice, but you will get better as time progresses if you keep training yourself.

Stress is not something you need to live with if you can control it once you understand its roots.

When you are more aware and content you are a much fuller person. You are more productive. You produce more than you consume. You give more than you receive or ask for.

That being said, it is not an easy task. It requires several lifetimes for most of us to understand and reach what the Buddhists call "enlightenment."

But we will all learn one way or the other when life forces you to. Some quicker than others. Some later than others. But have faith. We are human beings after all. The most close to perfect life form that has almost limitless possibilities on what we can accomplish.


Live and let live. Do our part. We are more fortunate that most considering people all over the globe. The world doesn't revolve just around us, as there are bigger problems in the world than just car vandalism.
Also, with all you apparently have, I am surprised you get that upset about vehicle damage. That is a just apart of having nice stuff and living in a situation where probably none of the other residents have that or close to that.

I understand that vandalism just comes as a part of "having nice stuff", but that doesn't mean that you just have to accept it. I keep all of my nice cars garaged and don't take them anywhere that I wouldn't feel comfortable because if someone vandalizes one it's going to be a headache. Yes, I will be pissed. I'll be pissed because 1) somebody else did this to MY PROPERTY 2) now I have to pay to get it fixed 3)The downtime while it's getting fixed, and 4) now the vehicle has depreciated because of vandalism. It's not about the money. If somebody stole/vandalized my NSX, I could go buy 10 more if I wanted, but I can't. Because there's not 10 more "2005 LBBP NSX-T's with blue interior". And besides that, I shouldn't have to. God help the person I catch vandalizing any of my cars...
I had a black 2004 Lincoln Navigator on 22's that I unfortunately took the grocery store late one night. I came back out from the store and it was keyed twice, on both sides, and on the back, then they keyed the name "toker" (their gang/tagging name I presume) into the bumper. I was F'ing furious!!! The Nav was only 6 mos old. I paid the deductible and had it fixed. It took almost 2 mos to get it back because they had to order a new bumper cover. Then when I did get it back, it was never the same. 2 months later (only 8 months old) I traded it in on my truck. I took a $5000 loss because of the repaint!!!

I've parked my M3 all over Miami Beach for over 4 years and not once incidence of vandalism. Streets near clubs where bums and drunks are walking all over the place, as well as various thugs. On the other hand, my friend parked his Carrera in a parking garage and somebody took a baseball bat and proceeded to smash all the windows and bash in the body...complete destruction, but didn't even steal the stereo system (or anything else).

My point is, you can't live in fear...because what's going to happen is unpredictable. Just enjoy your car and be reasonable. If it's an expensive car take the appropriate precautions. On an M3 forum, some guy caught his car being keyed and proceeded to beat the guy unconscious and fracture his 2 thumbs/tear tendons. Do you really want to end up in a scenario like that?
i dont live in fear. i want to be a source of fear for the spineless m.f. that distroy other people's properity. the though of taking keys to a car just makes me cringe. As soon as that car moves out of the spot. im parking my truck right back where it was and i'll keep it there till the cows come home or till i catch that #(*%@

On an M3 forum, some guy caught his car being keyed and proceeded to beat the guy unconscious and fracture his 2 thumbs/tear tendons. Do you really want to end up in a scenario like that?
yes i would. as long as i make a clean get away. fractured thumb is a small price to pay when the son of b wakes up 2 weeks later due to a concussion... or is that a coma? (2 ms?) + idiot has about $100,000 in mediacal bills waiting for him and hopefully a nice speech inpediment. i would do him from the back so he does not even see it coming.
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