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Cantrell Concepts Endura-Lite Exhaust System

So what's going on? Is this truly a Taitec Knock off? How come Cantrell is not responding?

Nice first post and welcome to the community. :rolleyes:

If you'll actually read the product introduction post, you'll see that there are as many differences as there are aesthetic similarities.

- it uses ceramic wool to counter FI durability issues.
- thicker gauge steel that eliminates drone at lower RPMs.
- fitment guarantee
- "unique" meaning different cross-over chamber.

Whether the exhaust makes more hp is yet to be seen but judging from the performance of previous Cantrell products, I don't think their claims should be dismissed b/c of aesthetic resemblance to the GTLW. Nothing is wrong with taking a great product and making it better. In fact, it's what Honda did to Ferrari w/ the NSX.

That stink you smell is your post.
So if I take a… Let’s say a GT-One exhaust and knock it off by using thicker metal, and give it a name, it will be absolutely OK?

How about that “miss-fit” Cantrell header that was seen at Autowave couple of months ago that actaully dyno'd less the OEM NA2 header? Yep, I heard the buyers got a full refund if he doesn't say anything? What was that all about?

Yeah, my post stinks because dumbo like you will preach product like the unproven 3.3 stroker kit because you stupid enough to pay for one. I’m sure you will be so proud of the purchase when major problem with this system arrives, they will probably buy you off to keep your mouth shut – Like rest of them :rolleyes:

I dunno...what is it all about? Why sign up twice and under two different screen names if you so concerned about transparency.

You should have signed up a third time except w/ the screen name: "PotCallingKettleBlack."
Let's stay on the subject of NA1/2 R

So NSX1 and Evo(what ever that is)!!!!

So what's going on? Is this truly a Taitec Knock off? How come Cantrell is not responding?

What ever happen to the Cantrell header that supposed to give NA2 20 plus HP gain, dyno'd sponsored by SOS, Cantrell's main dealer? How come none of the NA2 owners who bought the system came out and support that claim? Usually if any one gain 20 HP, they'll will be glowing all over prime!!!

So what's going? Some thing is stinks here!!!

Yeah, I'll say something stinks here... This has to be the most mysterious post I've seen.

First of all, this is RipOffPrevention's very first post and he just joined Prime TODAY.

Secondly, he calls on Erick and myself for what(?) I don't know.

Thirdly, he calls out "Where is Cantrell".

I don't know who you are, but you should show some integrity and come out from behind your mask. (How's that for being on topic? :biggrin: )
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I dunno...what is it all about? Why sign up twice and under two different screen names if you so concerned about transparency.

You should have signed up a third time except w/ the screen name: "PotCallingKettleBlack."


I just found out what's going on here. My apology for some of the posts used by my name.

I was at a boba tea house in Garden Grove with couple of my old customers/friends discussing the grand opening event of my new store. I left my user name logged in unattended on their public computer. One of them started to have fun with it. I didn't realized what he did until after read the whole thing just now...

I was wondering why they were laughing so hard after my long appointment with the friendly WC libery.

But I gotta admit, it was kinda funny because those were some of my expressions during our conversation at the tea house.

But anyway, my apology to what happen. I still need to find out which one of them did it and I'll have him remove his post.
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Righhhhhhht. So your "customers" have knowledge of the following very NSX and NSXPrime specific topics and use the same syntax and grammar as you? Looks more to me like you forgot to switch user names.

By the way, regarding your accusations, it is already well published on NSXPrime that:
1. The customer that dynoed his car at Autowave paid for the dyno and had the job performed at Autowave BY Autowave for an unbiased test of what this new product could do for his car.
2. The header did not "fit" because the two adaptor pipes that connect to header to the catalytic converter were installed properly (the front bank pipe was put where the rear bank pipe should go).

Internet forums can be potentially misinforming and deceptive when people like you, with an ulterior motive, spouting untruths and biased opinions, go unchecked. Thankfully there are an equal number of people that use facts to form their opinions and call you on your odd psychopathic rants (from searching, I see it's not your first).

written by your "customer":
"What ever happen to the Cantrell header that supposed to give NA2 20 plus HP gain, dyno'd sponsored by SOS, Cantrell's main dealer? How come none of the NA2 owners who bought the system came out and support that claim? Usually if any one gain 20 HP, they'll will be glowing all over prime!!!"

written by you:
"How about that “miss-fit” Cantrell header that was seen at Autowave couple of months ago that actaully dyno'd less the OEM NA2 header? Yep, I heard the buyers got a full refund if he doesn't say anything? What was that all about?"


I just found out what's going on here. My apology for some of the posts used by my name.

I was at a boba tea house in Garden Grove with couple of my old customers/friends discussing the grand opening event of my new store. I left my user name logged in unattended on their public computer. One of them started to have fun with it. I didn't realized what he did until after read the whole thing just now...

I was wondering why they were laughing so hard after my long appointment with the friendly WC libery.

But I gotta admit, it was kinda funny because those were some of my expressions during our conversation at the tea house.

But anyway, my apology to what happen. I still need to find out which one of them did it and I'll have him remove his post.
Righhhhhhht. So your "customers" have knowledge of the following very NSX and NSXPrime specific topics and use the same syntax and grammar as you? Looks more to me like you forgot to switch user names.
Nah, not going to defend my self and start a new arguement. But the situation was complicated yesterday and My customers/Ex employees/employees are very much NSX oriented kids that have been chilling at my old location checking out prime with me.

But anyway, truth will come out some where, and I have always believe that the vender thread is not the place to discuss this, but rather on the "Owner's disucssion."

PM me if you want more detail. Make sure you identify your self. Looks like you're user name was created not too long ago, like mr. "RipOffPrevention."

S. Cal is where most of the NSX activities are in the country, and I have seen plenty with other local NSXers. Good, bad and ugly!!!
Internet forums can be potentially misinforming and deceptive when people like you, with an ulterior motive, spouting untruths and biased opinions, go unchecked. Thankfully there are an equal number of people that use facts to form their opinions and call you on your odd psychopathic rants (from searching, I see it's not your first).

"All things can be categorized into two groups... 1) those things that can be categorized into two groups, and 2) those that can't."

After reading your post, I'm asking myself which one of your two groups you categorize yourself into... 1) someone who uses facts to form his opinion, or 2) someone who was just ranting unchecked.

By my observation, you don't have all the facts... Why, because you're just "guessing" that VanceHu is lying. You really don't know. So, I guess you're in the other group. :biggrin:

(You only have 6 posts, and just recently joined Prime... yet, you act like you are so familiar with what goes on here. Do you have something to hide?)
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Let me say this. The first thing I told Vance when we meet up last night was:
Vance, " A man is got to be respondsible for his words". I can't believe you post that.

I have strong belief. Vance have strong belief as well. I was doubting at first but, when he said he would never post under someone else thread under "vendor" section. That make sense, because of previous incident involving the gauge cluster set. Under his belief, that is completely unacceptable. Therefore that post can't be his.
So anyways...

when are we going to see dyno graphs on this new exhaust?
"All things can be categorized into two groups... 1) those things that can be categorized into two groups, and 2) those that can't."

After reading your post, I'm asking myself which one of your two groups you categorize yourself into... 1) someone who uses facts to form his opinion, or 2) someone who was just ranting unchecked.

By my observation, you don't have all the facts... Why, because you're just "guessing" that VanceHu is lying. You really don't know. So, I guess you're in the other group. :biggrin:

(You only have 6 posts, and just recently joined Prime... yet, you act like you are so familiar with what goes on here. Do you have something to hide?)

Steve, let’s let this one go. I screw up for speaking my mind with my ex-employees and irresponsible customers. It was my fault for letting my screen name logged in and up for grab. Even though they spoke my mind for me as a joke, but after I thought about it, those were very much my words.

Let me say this. The first thing I told Vance when we meet up last night was:
Vance, " A man is got to be respondsible for his words". I can't believe you post that.

I have strong belief. Vance have strong belief as well. I was doubting at first but, when he said he would never post under someone else thread under "vendor" section. That make sense, because of previous incident involving the gauge cluster set. Under his belief, that is completely unacceptable. Therefore that post can't be his.

Thank you Jason, you know I will never hesitate to speak my mind, just ask Prime owner, I probably gave him more headaches than anyone else. And yes, when I decide to say something, it will not be on a vender thread. Considering the fact that NA1/2, your self, and two others have already spoken. But anyway, thanks for standing up for me.
Re: <sigh>

Sounds like my exhaust showed up yesterday, which hopefully means other folks recieved theirs as well and we can get some sound clips soon! cmon guys, dont make me wait all three more months before i get to hear this thing ;)
I need a new exhaust; more info user please!:biggrin:
well AFAIK im the only member that has one. im sure theres others but nobody is posting. anyway I just hit kuwait so in a few weeks i ought to be home and have time to install/dyno/video the thing and give you my impressions of it
well AFAIK im the only member that has one. im sure theres others but nobody is posting. anyway I just hit kuwait so in a few weeks i ought to be home and have time to install/dyno/video the thing and give you my impressions of it

GodSpeed you back home. My brother is leaving from Bahrain in a few weeks too.