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hey everyone

cmhs75 said:
oh no! here we start on the war of webistes supporting our claims,

Nop, sorry, not going to get dragged into this one,

I'm kicking my self all over for replying in the thread in the first place, but I am happy I did, you see, I learned something by doing so, I thought most americans were against the iraq attack, now I know otherwise

most powerfull nation in the world (probably in history) + evil government administration + chauvinist citizens = BAD REALY REALY BAD

I'm sure that not all of us agree on going to war with Iraq. I do not believe that we should be putting all this effort into the war. It annoys me everyday that our government is spending billions to fix up that dump in Iraq and overlooks a lot of the problems we have in our current country. Case in point, Uncle Sam just approved the closing of a ton of military bases to save 50 billion in 20 yrs, but also approved another 87 billion for funding in Iraq. That I don't believe in, but as a country we voted in our politicians so that's life.

However, getting Saddam out of power was a good thing. I can't believe that people would be in support of leaving him in control of the country. How many people did he and his wonderful son kill again? Does the word Genocide mean anything to you? How can you sit there and say that we have done no good in Iraq? I don't see your wonderful country pumping any $$$ into it, where as us good ol American taxpayers are going to be forking over a few billion.......

Now, to answer your statement. I don't agree with us being in Iraq and wish that it would end sooner than later. I do wish for the safe return of our troops. Like most Americans, I have many friends that were sent overseas. I just would like to see them again. If they feel that they are doing the right thing, then all I can do is support the in their cause.
cmhs75 said:
and my friends who visited the US always here things like "twoel head, ragtop, and sandniger, and I put the quraan in my ass" for as long as I can remember to, so what do you think?

At least they were only called names, which last time I checked cannot hurt you. And I'm sure that not everyone they met said that. You and your "friends" shouldn't judge an entire nation based on the reaction you received by a bunch of ignorant fools.

But, again they were only called names. They didn't lose their heads and have it broadcast to the world like some of the innocent american civilians over there. So what do you feel is worse?
loNfastNSX said:
Like I said before, I have many arab and muslim friends that are very close to me. I also know their views on the US and the Iraq situation. Not one of them has said anything to me about what we are doing is wrong. It is very easy for both of us to sit on opposite sides of the world and judge without knowing what the other has truley seen. I believe that if you were to come to the States and live life the way we do here, you would be reluctant to return. This is of course just my opinion.

Let me ask you this, and in all seriousness. Can you go up to your Gov. body and tell them to go to hell with out ramifications? Can you Openly practice your religion if it is other than the Islam? Do you really have the freedom to do as you choose?

I understand that you are just as against Saddam as the rest of us, but you also need to understand that the USA has been dealing with him for a long time and feel that we needed to step in and stop the criminal and murderous actions of his regime. .

oh man am I tired tright now,

but i really like your posts now, they are a lot better then the previes ones.

these arab muslim firend, woud they be your friends if they did say the US was wrong? if so then stop flaming me

and regarding you openion about me coming to the US. I habe this to say, I was in the US when I was 5 and 7 years old and my sister was born in the US, she can apply for the US citizenship but she does't want to, and they insist wemen are opressed down here, and to top it all of, I'm currently applying for masters in the US, but really rethinking my dicistion after this thread. yes i acknoldeg that the US is a better place to live in but that doesn't mean I want to live there, because I really love te fact that in my country I can eat anyware not worying about pig products, I hae a thousand mosquea to pray in and there are absolutly no alcohol or prostitts that I know of ove here, so can I please stay in saud arabia cuase I'm happy here and I'm not thinking of leaving it, nor are the over 50 peaple I know that work with me here who took thier masters and Phds in the US but were reluctant to tay there. So no US is not peridise for everyone

and about the things you ask me if I can do, I say that I don't want o do that to the government I haveno purpose to do so, and if i wanted to practice a religion other than islam, I would come to the united states, why stay in a third world country like saudi arabia if you're not a muslims. and the freedom issue, that can be worked out, i'd rather stay here and work the problem of this country out then to imigrate to the US, not that the US is bad or anything, but I really do have my reasons to like it here and the US cannot in anyway offer me the ame things I vlaue here

and don't get me wrong, the US did a wonderfull job of kicking saddam hussain ass all over the place (when they found him in that whole, everyone here was celebrating), but what I don't like is what the US did after they defeated Saddam. And I think I have the right to have an opinion at that
ccns23 said:
How can you sit there and say that we have done no good in Iraq? I don't see your wonderful country pumping any $$$ into it, where as us good ol American taxpayers are going to be forking over a few billion.......


I didn't say they didn't do any good, said that they did do good at the start of the war, but what they are doing now is wrong.

and how do you know our wonderfull country didn't pump any mony into iraq? they just don't like to brag about these things

you are good old tax paying amricans. you'r government, I don't think they have the same values as you do
ccns23 said:
You and your "friends" shouldn't judge an entire nation based on the reaction you received by a bunch of ignorant fools.

dito you to

[/QUOTE]But, again they were only called names. They didn't lose their heads and have it broadcast to the world like some of the innocent american civilians over there. So what do you feel is worse?[/QUOTE]

and we ddin't video tape sexuall mulistation in prisons and got it exposed by accident to the whole world, and kept other war crimes a very well hidden secret
cmhs75 said:
dito you to
But, again they were only called names. They didn't lose their heads and have it broadcast to the world like some of the innocent american civilians over there. So what do you feel is worse?[/QUOTE]

and we ddin't video tape sexuall mulistation in prisons and got it exposed by accident to the whole world, and kept other war crimes a very well hidden secret[/QUOTE]

Let me ask again. Which is worse, having a dog collar placed around your neck and led around (heck some wack jobs would probably pay good money for that here) or losing your head entirely. What those terrorists had done is by far worse than what happened in Abu Garib. If you are to blind to see that well I can't make you. Come to think of it, I wonder where some of those beheadings took place......times up....it was in your wonderful country. Now, I know your government has denounced the beheadings, and I am sure that you don't agree with the murder of innocent civilians, but that doesn't change the fact that there are quite a few terrorists being harbored in your country. And I am sure that part of them are receiving support from places which they probably shouldn't.

And truthfully, no country in the world is a saint when it comes to war crimes....we all have skeletons in our closets and your country is absolutely no different. So please, don't try to play that card.
cmhs75 said:
and my friends who visited the US always here things like "twoel head, ragtop, and sandniger, and I put the quraan in my ass" for as long as I can remember to, so what do you think?

I wasn't going to respond to this poster because I honestly think he's a troll who is merely looking for trouble but I have to say something to this.

In answer to your question... I think you're a liar.

I've lived in many parts of the world and travelled extensively throughout the United States. There absolutely are parts of the US that are an absolute disgrace where racism runs rampant but they are the exception and not the rule. To say that your friends "always heard" racial epitephs like that is either a huge stretch of the truth or absolute garbage. The chances are just that unlikely. Even if they were travelling in some po dunk southern town. It could happen... but the chances are unlikely.

And for the record, I am an minority, I have dark skin, and I have suffered the indignity of racism (both at home and abroad). Furthermore, my last name is Asis (which I've been told is an Arab word for priest so I'm commonly confused for being Arab).

My advice to everyone here is to pay no further attention to this poster. He's not worth the energy and obviously either blinded by hatred or ignorance or just unwilling to open his mind to other sides of the truth.

We can all learn from one another but getting mired down in this kind of cro magnon name calling is a waste of time.
MY HEAD HURTS FROM READING ALL THIS!Can someone please repost a wonderful pictogram of the futility of arguing politics/religion on the internet :frown: I know this is the off topic forum but it is still a car site!but in response to the original poster-" come home safe",and if the nsx and future ownership of same puts a smile on your face while you are in harms way then I hope you can buy one soon.

You know I had a long drawn out post in response to the rhetoric and false pretenses in this thread, but I decided to delete it this morning because it just perpetuates the derailment of this thread.

To 19dcavscout, I wish you a safe return to your friends and family. War is a horrible thing -- for all involved.
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Oh, and can we please stop the profanity, blatantly racist remarks and ad-hom attacks? You might be outraged by someone's opinion, but it's no reason to stoop to that level. I'd like to think that this forum is frequented by individuals who are above that... this isn't the mustang forum you know :biggrin:
I thought that CMHS75 is the only freaking idiot here! :confused:His comments are totally out of topic and out of line...but if we knew that already then why would somebody in his right mind waste time to reply to everything that he has to say????? I guess it only means that we're worsts than him!
I apologize for the strong words but I couldn't help to see some people stoop down to his level... It's really SAD!:frown:

If you really need to spill your guts out over Iraq and the US..go start your own topic...19DCavscout just wanted to say hello and he is doing Ok. In case some of you can't read..the title says "HEY EVERYONE"..
is there anyway to end this? I'm absolutly tired out and I see clearly that this is going no where

you guys can believe what ever you want, and impose what you belive on who ever you want, I already gave up.

so are you going to stop posting?
Da Hapa said:
In answer to your question... I think you're a liar.


and I KNOW that there is absolutly no way to change what you think
my weekend is aprouching, and I'm not going to log the interent where I'm going

within 4 hours of now, If I don't hear anything new, or worth replying to, ill end this debate and ignore amy more comments

if anyone else has anything to say after that, PM me
Maybe I'm the only one here who enjoys reasonable discourse. I disagree with some of what cmhs75 is saying, but I agree with other parts. A good many of the responders are being reasonable, but a few are just being absurd. Those of you wish to quell his statewments because you disagree with them seem to be lacking a basic understanding of the freedom you profess to defend. I support the war, but I do think it's being run poorly. I disagree that our motivation is oil, as it would be far easier to get the oil than it has been to try to re-establish a decent society. I don't believe that civilians are targeted by the US military, but I admit that civilians do inevitably die in a battlezone.

I think the only decent future for Iraq requires that the majority of decent people get fed up with the extremists and deal with it. Cleanse from within. The US Military will never be as effective at eliminating terrorists as the Iraqi people. On the other hand, we have to be there until the situation reaches this critical mass in ordwer to keep the country from falling completely into the hands of one of these zealots.

Patriotism doesn't mean blindly following what our leaders are saying. Patriotism requires that we ask what is best for the nation, regardless of what the talking heads say. Blind faith in America's ability to do no wrong is just as dangerous as the Jihadist's blind faith in fundamentalist islam.

I'm glad to hear that you are doing well 19DCavscout, and I wish you success in your missions and a safe return home.
cmhs75 said:
is there anyway to end this? I'm absolutly tired out and I see clearly that this is going no where

you guys can believe what ever you want, and impose what you belive on who ever you want, I already gave up.

so are you going to stop posting?
19dcavscout said:
I never wanted this to turn into this kind of discussion. All i meant by the nsx thing is that since i am in iraq it is a great way to save moeny. i have little to no expenses plus i get combat pay and stuff and i have no taxes over here. not at anytime did i mean that killing iraqis means i can get one. And about the benefits of the reserves. The reserves have some good benefits. Some great ones actually. The ARMY pays for your college and will give you retirement and it looks great on your resume. It really does. And the one thing you all have to remember is that everyone who is in the ARMY is a volunteer. We are a 100% volunteer ARMY. Even those who complain about stop loss have no right too. It was in there contract under the War Clause. Its all in writing. They knew what could happen if we went to war. It was there choice. That is all I have to say about that. And America has not ever done anythign close to the horrific things sadam has done to the poeple of this country. And I dont know how you could argue that right there. Well I am sorry for bringing this topic up people. Like I said all I wanted to say was hi and that all is well here. Good luck all!


Hope Nick is safe in Iraq...Let's all pray for his safe return..