Occassionally I check the Haggerty valuation tool for NSX values and have seen them being mostly stable, though losing a very little bit of value at each update over time. Its been the trend for the last several years.
Today I noticed their August update shows a noticable uptick in values roughly proportional with car quality.
Wonder if this is related to the Next Gen NSX release or other factor driving more purchases recently. I know I've seen at least three NSXs locally that I've never seen before.
Has the NSX as a collectible turned a corner?
Today I noticed their August update shows a noticable uptick in values roughly proportional with car quality.
Wonder if this is related to the Next Gen NSX release or other factor driving more purchases recently. I know I've seen at least three NSXs locally that I've never seen before.
Has the NSX as a collectible turned a corner?