Part 2: NSX off to Port

11 March 2007
Well my Imola NSX was picked up on Thursday at Jody Wilkinson Acura and destined now for Miami. White92 (Craig Gorshe) was an excellent contact and truly handled the transaction and subsequent handling of the car.

Once the car hits Miami it will be shipped in a 40' container with my buddies Porsche and off to Dubai. Should arrive end of August...the wait will kill me!

Here are some photos of the NSX being loaded up with some nice cars...


They actually unloaded the whole transporter in order to put my NSX up top at the front of the truck!

A nice 08 Viper being shipped to Denver:

A Cuda going somewhere:

The NSX being reversed into place:


All tucked in for the long trip:
Whats the cost on something like this?
Synth - Its summer here everyday! hehe

Osugrad - The trucking from Salt Lake City to Miami - $1795
- International Sea Freight for a 40' container $3995

- International Sea Freight for a 40' container $3995

This was the part I was wondering about. Doesn't seem too bad. And you split that with your buddy so much better.

Time in transit? 5-6 weeks?
Wow... Back in the 80's it took 6 weeks to ship to Germany.....

I thought that process has improved....
Wow... Back in the 80's it took 6 weeks to ship to Germany.....

I thought that process has improved....

If you think about the transit time:

1. 5-6 days truck transport puts us at around July 17th give or take to Miami
2. It will take the shipping company 1 week to confirm the shipping container, load it, and load it onto the ship the cars are going on. That puts us at July 24th 25th which is our ETD
3. It takes 24-27 days on the sea from Miami to Dubai

So mid-end August is about right.

As I work in the Logistics Industry there is alot more container movement globally since 1980...Ships go faster but they also need to try and get into port, carry more, and there are simply more containers in Ports nowadays to handle.
have you heard of this law that was or should be implemented about banning cars older than 10 years.
I might go to Abu dhabi and I was considering buying an NSX. just want to know if I should focus my attention on newer models because of the law. I heard there would be some exceptions for colllectible cars. now is the NSX considered a collectible in the UAE?
Sure have...

As of January 1, 2009:

1. No imports of cars older than 5 years old - my 02 NSX just squeezes in!

2. No selling of cars older than 10 years old. If you have one you can re-register it for the next 10 years or export it. So if someone owns a car that is model year 1999 or older its now worth squat! Unless your car falls into the category of "Classic/Collectible/Exotic"...and for this we are unsure what will fall into that category although its expected the NSX will.

3. Cars older than 1989 will not be allowed on the roads unless they fall into the category of "Classic/Collectible/Exotic".

The major hurdle you'll face is that the NSX was never sold here so hence getting it serviced is a challenge (Honda will do it but be prepared to wait weeks/months for parts) and your not able to get an NSX tech in Abu Dhabi - Dubai only.

Move over here and buy a Porsche. The only reason I brought my NSX over was because I don't plan on being here for the long haul (moving back to Canada in 2 years).
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Have you grabbed a bowl of popcorn?

The rationale is preventing further emissions from older cars removing wrecks off the roads, and reducing the number of vehicles on the road. The joke of the matter is that the Dubai Government will rid the roads of...are you sitting down?...

3% of the total cars presently registered in Dubai as of January 1, 2009 (Last year 188,000 new cars were registered in Dubai alone)


4.6% of total vehicles in the UAE as of January 1, 2009.

Sounds like the minister in charge of this decision didn't do the maths. If the goal is reducing emissions and congestion then allow dealers to:

a) introduce Hybrid vehicles
b) rid Dubai roads of old smelly and wrecked transport trucks
c) introduce car pooling lanes
d) introduce laws that prevent these construction companies from importing old transport vehicles from eastern European countries when they don't want them
e) introduce emissions testing or stricter emissions testing at the annual registration facilities

So in essence the Government has introduced this law and it will also kill new car sales. How you ask? Well I go and buy a shiny new 2009 S2000. I drive it for 4 or 5 years and then decide I want a new car. I put it up for sale but then I'm faced with the fact that once the car hits its 10-year life span who in their right mind would purchase it from me knowing it will be worthless in another 5? I'm then forced to sell it for a lower price.

Dubai is a transient place so people buy new cars here all of the time and sell them on after 3 or 4 years...
As of January 1, 2009:

2. No selling of cars older than 10 years old. If you have one you can re-register it for the next 10 years or export it. So if someone owns a car that is model year 1999 or older its now worth squat! Unless your car falls into the category of "Classic/Collectible/Exotic"...and for this we are unsure what will fall into that category although its expected the NSX will.

It's worthless only if you want to sell it correct? If the owner of a 1999 or older car (not classic/collectible/exotic - CRX, S2000 for example) plans to keep the car, they can still keep it? So the car still has value to them. Or do they actually have to get rid of the car?
I know you have it all planned out, but ... my biggest worry would be hitting a snag when it comes time to bring it back here.
Correct...if a vehicle is 1999 model year or older it can still be used by the current owner. That owner just can't sell it to anyone else.

No problem bringing my NSX back to Canada or the U.S. for that matter. But the car will come back to Canada for sure.