state-trying-to-seize-five-high-end-cars-involved in street racing

According to that article, every single driver of those ferraris, lambo, sls, maserati, etc were under 21 yrs of age

I wonder what the other cars were that the police decided to give back. Maybe not high end enough?
But this would go too far to try to seize the five cars, especially since there can be no criminal charge.

These children were driving very expensive cars that their parents had bought for them. Some only had novice licences, not a full licence, and I doubt any had any more driving skills than the average teenage old gamer. They were driving two abreast holding up all southbound traffic on a freeway south of Vancouver so their buddies in front could drag race. And they did this in the middle of a weekday afternoon.

Were they stupid? Yes, beyond comprehension.

Would losing their cars be a harsh penalty? Not really. If they lose their cars it will be only a blip on their financial radar.

If you are caught street racing in British Columbia or Ontario you can lose your car. There might be some US states that have similar laws.

If you think losing your car is a tough penalty, maybe you should ask the families of the innocent victims of street racers who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

No, I am not a cop. Yes, I do exceed the speed limit. But I only go balls out on a race track, where the risks can be managed and are assumed by everyone. These kids deserve what they got.

Drunk drivers get away with far less fines / penalties, and they're equally if not more dangerous.

You're kidding right? Even in Canada the penalties for drunk driving are harsh. I shudder to think what they might be in the USA.

Way to go Canadastan.

Ouch, Skippy, that hurts. Americans need to get along with their Canadian neighbours. We have most of the oil and good hockey players in North America and I bet the US needs at least one of those things! :tongue:

Speaking of totalitarian states.......I just read an article about 'school ticketing' in Texas and other states. Amazingly, children can be ticketed and fined in school for swearing, being late, running in the hall and all the stuff you and I did as kids. But if they don't pay up they can be jailed after they graduate. And suprisingly the poor and coloured seem to get the most fines and potential jail sentences.

Now THAT is harsh.:biggrin:
These children were driving very expensive cars that their parents had bought for them. Some only had novice licences, not a full licence, and I doubt any had any more driving skills than the average teenage old gamer. They were driving two abreast holding up all southbound traffic on a freeway south of Vancouver so their buddies in front could drag race. And they did this in the middle of a weekday afternoon.

Were they stupid? Yes, beyond comprehension.

Would losing their cars be a harsh penalty? Not really. If they lose their cars it will be only a blip on their financial radar.

If you are caught street racing in British Columbia or Ontario you can lose your car. There might be some US states that have similar laws.

If you think losing your car is a tough penalty, maybe you should ask the families of the innocent victims of street racers who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

No, I am not a cop. Yes, I do exceed the speed limit. But I only go balls out on a race track, where the risks can be managed and are assumed by everyone. These kids deserve what they got.

The problem is these kids were NOT caught racing. They were reported by other civilians to be racing, a HUGE difference.

It doesn't matter if they were driving $150 civics or $150k Ferarri's.

The law is the law, and people need to adhere to the law, on both sides.

What if someone who hated you followed you to work, and called 911 and reported you to be racing? Would that be a good case to have your car taken away from you?

It's pretty black & white in this case - the cops didn't catch the kids racing, so there should be no penalty for taking the cars away. To do otherwise would be a violation of law and order.
You saved me alot of typing, any time I see someone driving like an asshole a civic or a bentley I can only think that someone of my family is sharing the same road with him, and that really pisses me off.

Take the cars away.

These children were driving very expensive cars that their parents had bought for them. Some only had novice licences, not a full licence, and I doubt any had any more driving skills than the average teenage old gamer. They were driving two abreast holding up all southbound traffic on a freeway south of Vancouver so their buddies in front could drag race. And they did this in the middle of a weekday afternoon.

Were they stupid? Yes, beyond comprehension.

Would losing their cars be a harsh penalty? Not really. If they lose their cars it will be only a blip on their financial radar.

If you are caught street racing in British Columbia or Ontario you can lose your car. There might be some US states that have similar laws.

If you think losing your car is a tough penalty, maybe you should ask the families of the innocent victims of street racers who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

No, I am not a cop. Yes, I do exceed the speed limit. But I only go balls out on a race track, where the risks can be managed and are assumed by everyone. These kids deserve what they got.

You're kidding right? Even in Canada the penalties for drunk driving are harsh. I shudder to think what they might be in the USA.

Ouch, Skippy, that hurts. Americans need to get along with their Canadian neighbours. We have most of the oil and good hockey players in North America and I bet the US needs at least one of those things! :tongue:

Speaking of totalitarian states.......I just read an article about 'school ticketing' in Texas and other states. Amazingly, children can be ticketed and fined in school for swearing, being late, running in the hall and all the stuff you and I did as kids. But if they don't pay up they can be jailed after they graduate. And suprisingly the poor and coloured seem to get the most fines and potential jail sentences.

Now THAT is harsh.:biggrin:
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I just called the police to let them know that everybody here in this thread was racing illegally and at extremely dangerous speeds. Based on precedence, I'm hoping now they will seize all your NSX's where I can buy them back really cheap at a police auction.
.......Drunk drivers get away with far less fines / penalties, and they're equally if not more dangerous.

DUI is more dangerous for the reason that they are screwed until they stumble to their front porch.

Street racing is dangerous, but the driver can opt out of racing or end the race after the winner is declared. No one is racing for endless miles all the way to the front porch.
The problem is these kids were NOT caught racing. They were reported by other civilians to be racing, a HUGE difference.

It doesn't matter if they were driving $150 civics or $150k Ferarri's.

The law is the law, and people need to adhere to the law, on both sides.

What if someone who hated you followed you to work, and called 911 and reported you to be racing? Would that be a good case to have your car taken away from you?

It's pretty black & white in this case - the cops didn't catch the kids racing, so there should be no penalty for taking the cars away. To do otherwise would be a violation of law and order.


As much as I hate seeing kids be kids in cars that they have no power to procure on their own hard earned cash I will have to stick with this notion.

I'm not one for another repeat in history like the witch hunting days where people were burned at the stake just because someone "said" something.
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The problem is these kids were NOT caught racing. They were reported by other civilians to be racing, a HUGE difference.

It doesn't matter if they were driving $150 civics or $150k Ferarri's. The law is the law, and people need to adhere to the law, on both sides.

What if someone who hated you followed you to work, and called 911 and reported you to be racing? Would that be a good case to have your car taken away from you?

It's pretty black & white in this case - the cops didn't catch the kids racing, so there should be no penalty for taking the cars away. To do otherwise would be a violation of law and order.

Just because the police don't catch someone in the act doesn't mean that the person cannot be convicted of the crime. If that is how the law worked, there would be a lot of murderers let go.

All the police need to do is to prove that these kids were racing. Would the testimony of one person (using your hypothetical example, say that one person who didn't like the racers) be sufficient? No, it wouldn't. But if the police can come up with enough reliable testimony and evidence, these kids could be convicted. Just the same way most murderers are put behind bars. Is that likely to happen and will they lose their cars? I suspect the odds are against it, but the police are pissed off enough that they are interviewing witnesses and seeing what evidence they can muster. I say good for them.

I just called the police to let them know that everybody here in this thread was racing illegally and at extremely dangerous speeds. Based on precedence, I'm hoping now they will seize all your NSX's where I can buy them back really cheap at a police auction.

Back you go to law school, a telephone call is not a precedent (a court decision constitutes a precedent) and you also flunked Evidence 100. :biggrin:
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Just because the police don't catch someone in the act doesn't mean that the person cannot be convicted of the crime. If that is how the law worked, there would be a lot of murderers let go.

All the police need to do is to prove that these kids were racing. Would the testimony of one person (using your hypothetical example, say that one person who didn't like the racers) be sufficient? No, it wouldn't. But if the police can come up with enough reliable testimony and evidence, these kids could be convicted. Just the same way most murderers are put behind bars. Is that likely to happen and will they lose their cars? I suspect the odds are against it, but the police are pissed off enough that they are interviewing witnesses and seeing what evidence they can muster. I say good for them.

I think it has already been well enough publicized that in fact the police in this case DO NOT have enough evidence and the witness testimony is "sketchy" at best - NO law enforcement witnessed it and video and camera footage recovered showed the group "driving normally".

The key here is (quoted from an interview with BC Civil Liberties Association):

"the criminal justice system does allow for seizures of property connected to crime -- as long as the accused person has been found guilty."

They were not FOUND GUILTY of any crime and yet the police are attempting to side-step the law in order to seize the cars.

OK - MAYBE - AND THIS IS A BIG MAYBE - if two cars were caught red handed street racing and the cars were seized JUST MAYBE it would fly.

Just wait till people start running from cops on the regular to avoid impound/seizure - how many people will be killed then?

The way I see it there are a couple scenarios that can play out here:

- Someone will be angry enough to fight this all the way and win - setting a precedence that will put a stop to this.

- Things will escalate to the point where car chases are rampant (especially with young people, who feel that their car is "everything" to them)

As has already been said - "we don't fine people a million dollars for jaywalking"

How does this stop anything especially if these people can simply buy another Lambo?

What's next?

- Shoplifters cars/houses will be seized ? (no transport, no crime...)

- You Jaywalk so they will seize your shoes - or cop breaks your kneecaps?

- Talking/texting in car results in seizure of your phone or cop breaks your fingers?

- Maybe they just shoot you on sight if speeding - I mean speeding is dangerous and you are endangering the public, it's just the same as you wielding a gun...

Where will it end?
Well said. If they got enough factual evidance than ticket em and move along. Hand picking exotic car owners to screw over is bs. Weve all seen hondas do this many times.
Back you go to law school, a telephone call is not a precedent (a court decision constitutes a precedent) and you also flunked Evidence 100. :biggrin:

Doh, facepalm smack. Not the precedent of my phone call. The precedent set by the police. After all, if all it took was the testimony from some people to allege that cars were used in street racing to be able to seize cars, then why couldn't my testimony of me alleging all your NSX's were used in street racing also be enough to have all your cars impounded? After all the more NSX's I can take off the street the more exclusive and valuable mine becomes! Muahahaha! :biggrin::tongue:
I say leave them wealthy chinese kids alone...there are many more just like them in BC and have the need to show off. They can't do this in HK, Taiwan or China and blog about it, in wide open Canada, they can. Their wealthy parents will get them off police record as they will become your doctors and bu$ine$$men one day. No shortage of money for them. sucks for us but not for them. This is what you do when you are young, spoiled and have EVERY toys under the sun and got bored.
I think it has already been well enough publicized that in fact the police in this case DO NOT have enough evidence and the witness testimony is "sketchy" at best - NO law enforcement witnessed it and video and camera footage recovered showed the group "driving normally".

I have never heard that nor have I seen nothing in the local media to indicate that is correct. As I said before, the police say they are gathering evidence - which doesn't have to come from a police officer that witnessed the crime but can come from ordinary citizens that witnessed the street racing. How do you know for certain that the police have stopped their investigation?

The key here is (quoted from an interview with BC Civil Liberties Association): "the criminal justice system does allow for seizures of property connected to crime -- as long as the accused person has been found guilty."

They were not FOUND GUILTY of any crime and yet the police are attempting to side-step the law in order to seize the cars.

Well, duh, of course they have not been found guilty. :biggrin: That requires them to be first charged and then a trial to be held. As you should know well enough neither of those events have yet happened. As for the BC Liberties Association statement about forfeiture, that is my understanding of the law in BC.

Doh, facepalm smack. Not the precedent of my phone call. The precedent set by the police. After all, if all it took was the testimony from some people to allege that cars were used in street racing to be able to seize cars, then why couldn't my testimony of me alleging all your NSX's were used in street racing also be enough to have all your cars impounded? After all the more NSX's I can take off the street the more exclusive and valuable mine becomes! Muahahaha! :biggrin::tongue:

Sorry if I was blunt but that is how trials work. Evidence is given by witnesses and, if the evidentiary burden is met (in other words, the evidence proves the charge and the accused does not refute the evidence or create a reasonable doubt) then the accused is convicted.

It would be extemely unlikely that the evidence from one citizen would be sufficient. Corroboration is required.

As for your plan to corner the NSX market, you're an evil genius! :biggrin:
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Sorry if I was blunt but that is how trials work. Evidence is given by witnesses and, if the evidentiary burden is met (in other words, the evidence proves the charge and the accused does not refute the evidence or create a reasonable doubt) then the accused is convicted.

It would be extemely unlikely that the evidence from one citizen would be sufficient. Corroboration is required.

As for your plan to corner the NSX market, you're an evil genius! :biggrin:

Ok, so if I call, and get 6 of my friends and co-workers to call and make the exact same claims, then corroboration is met and then I can buy up all your cars?
Ok, so if I call, and get 6 of my friends and co-workers to call and make the exact same claims, then corroboration is met and then I can buy up all your cars?

Don't forget that you and your 6 friends will need to produce proof that they are certified to judge speed and/or the certificates for their equipment (calibrated speedo, radar gun etc.):rolleyes::wink:

It really is not as simple as "Yeah, I saw that guy punch the other guy in the face"

Speed is relative and many people have no idea how to judge it (for instance - cars have speedos, yet people constantly look down and say "wow, I'm doing 90?")

So easy for some idiot to say "Yeah man, those guys blew right by me - probably doing 200+" When that guy may have never even seen what 200+ looks like...

Personally I think that a good lawyer should be able to clear this matter up.

I'm getting a dash cam.
Ok, so if I call, and get 6 of my friends and co-workers to call and make the exact same claims, then corroboration is met and then I can buy up all your cars?

Of course. But you won't be able to drive them for a while since you will be doing hard time for perjury! :biggrin:
Crown-trying-to-seize-five-high-end-cars-involved in street racing

According to Saturday's edition of The Vancouver Sun

Province applies to seize luxury cars in street race September 29, 2011

The B.C. Civil Forfeiture Office has applied to have five luxury high-performance sports cars seized in August, forfeited to the Crown because their drivers were street racing at excessive speeds.

The application, filed Tuesday in B.C. Supreme Court, involves five luxury cars, five Richmond, B.C., men and two Vancouver teenagers, who were identified only as John Does.

The cars named in the forfeiture action include a 2010 Nissan GTR, two 2010 Lamborghini Gallardos, a 2005 Aston Martin and a 2011 Mercedes SLS.
I don't understand how this is a law / can possibly exist? How can they steal/thieve your property as a result of speeding? Why not just fine/ jail / take license. Free country my ass...Whats far worse than some kids driving fast, is the iron fist coming down and stealing 500k worth of cars. Just IMO.