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Beta testing Enthusify as a new Classified Ad platform

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Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

I don't have item to read the whole thread but form what I have I think this is a very bad idea for both parties.

The fees are very high and the Escrow service setuop is a bit bizarre.

If you want a ton of security why set of this up, just go through Ebay?

We sell on a few forums and they all run fine with the standard list and buy setup.

If the forum needs to generate some revenue there are much easier ways.

Personally, I think this enthusify setup will generate way more issues than solutions.

Just my opinion.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

If this is implemented there will be no need for me to keep an account on prime.

Are you saying that your sole activity on Prime is to buy/sell items? Is that what all your 1966 posts (so far) are about? :confused:

what everyone seems to be overlooking is that this system is far from being bulletproof

No one ever claimed the system was bulletproof. What Lud wants is an improvement over the existing system, and this is just one option that he wants us to evaluate.

Both sides, buyers and sellers, can make way to go aside the system.

If enough users do that, guess what--Enthusify goes out of business, and your worries are over.

Let the marketplace decide.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

I feel the current Marketplace is just fine. No complaints here. No one wants to pay fees when buying or selling stuff when it is not necessary. The forum owner doesn't need to be trying to protect anyone here from being ripped off or whatever. We are all adults and are responsible for ourselves to take as much precaution when making any purchases online or in person. Buyers will take the chance if they want to and use whatever means available (paypal/credit cards) to get a refund ASAP if the sale goes bad. If people don't like it how the used marketplace is, simply buy new parts then. Don't ruin it for everyone else who are happy with it.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

I feel the current Marketplace is just fine. No complaints here. No one wants to pay fees when buying or selling stuff when it is not necessary. The forum owner doesn't need to be trying to protect anyone here from being ripped off or whatever. We are all adults and are responsible for ourselves to take as much precaution when making any purchases online or in person. Buyers will take the chance if they want to and use whatever means available (paypal/credit cards) to get a refund ASAP if the sale goes bad. If people don't like it how the used marketplace is, simply buy new parts then. Don't ruin it for everyone else who are happy with it.

I agree 100%
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

I don't really understand the question you are asking him. What do you consider as a "customer" versus a "prospect" of this service? They just launched to limited beta testing. It's brand new and still under active development, so nobody is more than a beta test partner at this point. If you want to count the beta test sites as customers, I guess this is one because the software is up and running and linked to their system. The post you just quoted shows a live listing. But they don't charge me to join, and I'm not under any sort of contract, and have made no promises to anyone, I just installed it to beta test and see if it can work for us. So I guess the question is: what do you categorize as a customer?

From talking to Chad I know a few of the other beta sites, and some of them are larger than this site. Since then I've seen the plugin up and running on some of them, others are still working out technical issues (aka it's brand new beta software).

May I ask why you seem to be taking such an adversarial approach to the discussion?

In my view, a customer is someone who is actively using a system, successfully, with positive or negative feedback than can produce real life results and impacts on the forum and its member base. A prospect is a "potential customer" who is being actively marketed and engaged, but has not deployed the product into a production environment and is unable to produce results.

My point is - do you really want to be the first customer? No one wants to go first, as the outcome is really unknown. We're being told studies have been done, yet the results can not be published (even if sanitized), providing no clear evidence of community feedback. Since those overwhelmingly positive results are so special they can not be published, then we can only base feedback from those actively involved in this discussion.

Create a poll, it will be an ugly truth - I really think the vast majority (it seems like 95% or more here) oppose this idea.

Are there other "escrow" solutions or 3rd party tools that can do something similar where fees are more lucrative to the seller/buyers? I just can't justify 10% and can guarantee everyone here will only LIST their products on the service, yet make the deals privately over PM and through PayPal. When everyone does that, they will still cry if they get scammed. People will always get scammed, regardless.

I have a second idea, which is an extension off what you said earlier. However, I'm going to PM that to you privately sir. :)

EDIT - Just noticed I'm unable to PM you. Can you shoot me an email please? [email protected]
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Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

Personally, if I were in Chad's shoes, I'd waive any fees during the beta testing period. That would squash any complaints about pricing, and put the focus squarely on the product itself. Consider it a cost of doing product development & research. After all, how many of the major successful e-commerce companies (eBay, PayPal) implemented their current fee structure from day one? Zero. I have been on eBay long enough that my username is nsx :)D), and I remember their fees being pretty much nonexistent until they cornered the market and killed Amazon and Yahoo's auction sites. Same thing for PayPal. They didn't implement significant fees until they were the only game in town.

Consider your competitor: in-house forums that cost their users nothing. To compete, you need to prove that your product has a value proposition to the site owners and the users. You walk in with a conceptual product and no proven value proposition, plus significant fees, are you surprised that you get pushback like what we've seen?

Like I said, reduce or eliminate the fees, and consider that as payment for our services as beta testers. Once you have some proven results to show that your product is worth the cost, then market and price it accordingly. If you don't, we may very well see Shawnify as the leading forum marketplace plug-in at some point in the future (don't laugh).

Just my $0.02.
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Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform


This system will not provide any security, the same person who agreed to send his payment as gift via paypal will agree to use an "out of Enthusify" transaction and will get burned the same way. As a resoult the level of members of this site getting burned will be similar.

Fees - it all makes sence if there is exposure. Ebay is the biggest and most universal market place for used auto parts for all markets and forums combined, I don't mind giving them 10% if my item will sell for more but swiching over to Enthusify will not provide us, the members of NSX Prime any additional exposure.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

swiching over to Enthusify will not provide us, the members of NSX Prime any additional exposure.

Brylek - Are you interested in having your listings syndicated to eBay? Are you interested in having your listings syndicated to other forums that have NSX enthusiasts?
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

I would definitley like if our listings were syndicated to eBay and other forums if the Enthusify was the only form of marketplace on this site...

Brylek - Are you interested in having your listings syndicated to eBay? Are you interested in having your listings syndicated to other forums that have NSX enthusiasts?
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

Brylek - Are you interested in having your listings syndicated to eBay? Are you interested in having your listings syndicated to other forums that have NSX enthusiasts?

I'll answer this too. There are a FEW other forums with NSX related content, but it's really unnecessary to syndicate to those sites. The other NSX sites are just fluff.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

This took less than 2 minutes. If I wanted to spend more time you would never even suspect.......

I did a quick test by posting the photo on one of those job websites and asking for someone to play around with changing the words.

Since it was just a proof of concept, I told him not to bother trying to match the original, just show me a couple styles of simulated handwriting with different text on the same piece of paper.

Within about 20 minutes I had this, and it only took about 10 minutes of billable work from a young man in the Philippines who has a standard rate of US$2.22/hr. So even if someone doesn't have Photoshop or any sort of editing skills, you can get this done in a matter of minutes for literally pennies.

The fact that it mixes styles draws your eye, but if I had asked him to do the whole thing in the same style it would be virtually undetectable without very careful study.

Now let me be clear: I'm not trashing the idea! It isn't even really related to Enthusify, since I could start requiring it for ads on the message forums, Enthusify, or any other platform. I know it is common on a lot of websites, esp. big electronics and car sites. I was just trying to get a feel for how easy it is to defeat.

It is probably a decent deterrent against casual scammers. Unfortunately I have already seen a level of sophistication from the serious scammers that makes me pretty confident they would solve this problem as quickly and easily as I did. So I'm not sure if it's really going to be of value relative to the hassle because as far as I am aware we don't have a big problem with casual scammers. I'll think about it some more.

Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

Personally, if I were in Chad's shoes, I'd waive any fees during the beta testing period.
Just my $0.02.

That strikes me as an excellent suggestion.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

I think there are a lot of valid points about the actual difference Enthusify could make or not. I obviously expressed my thoughts and also some constructive criticism because it could possibly work if they can find a balance. However the system seems to be overly complicated and again, I only see it being useful for the very expensive items that are sold.

Lud sounds like he is tired of being the janitor/police officer and I do not blame him. It takes a toll on a person mentally to deal with all the negativity from thefts and scams. If he does ultimately choose Enthusify or to close the marketplace, that would be he choice. I would also like to thank him for running such a great site. This community is very special and I would like to thank Lud for his efforts.

He even expressed that he would not mind if there was another NSX Forum launched. Someone will eventually step up and provide another NSX Forum or atleast an NSX marketplace that is would be safe and basic by nature to use. I see no issues using two NSX forums, that just means more stuff to check when I'm bored online :cool:
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

How about just posting buy at your own risk! Why dose Prime assume responsibility for transactions on an open market? Noble of you to help but why should everyone be punished because of a few dishonest people. Gullible people will get played regardless of how many steps you put in place. Scammers will scam. Try a poll see what prime wants. Then its on us.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

Remember how we changed the for sale section into categories and then we had to go back to the old style again? What if this turns out to not work out? Are we going to return to the old way? Or is the marketplace as we know it dead?
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

How about just posting buy at your own risk! Why dose Prime assume responsibility for transactions on an open market? Noble of you to help but why should everyone be punished because of a few dishonest people. Gullible people will get played regardless of how many steps you put in place. Scammers will scam. Try a poll see what prime wants. Then its on us.

once again, Lud has said over and over....prime is not the galopagos,not surviver, Darwin does not own prime....He is not going to let the large scale scammers (that he knows of) use prime,his prime,not my prime,not your prime...we need people to actualy give feedback on enthusify and stop ragging on the fee structure............but I like the fee waive suggestion as Lud seems to of the beta sites during the beta period.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

Remember how we changed the for sale section into categories and then we had to go back to the old style again? What if this turns out to not work out? Are we going to return to the old way? Or is the marketplace as we know it dead?

Good question. I do remember that, and I think it's a different situation. Here's why:

The categories were tested as an easily reversible change to the system based on member suggestions. There was no practical way to do a useful test side-by-side with the existing system. Also, we didn't return to the old way entirely - I just decided to implement the categories as tags instead of subforums, and that is the system we still have today. ;-)

By contrast, Enthusify is being tested in parallel with the existing system. There is no really disruption to the existing system while we evaluate it and Chad & company refine and update it.

If I ultimately did switch over to Enthusify (or any platform) entirely and later decided that it wasn't working out, of course I could undo the change. It would just involve some level of disruption.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

Ok, aside from the fees and everything else I've already stated that I don't like, I will give some honest feedback on the interface itself.

1. The interface itself is to large. Viewing from 1280x800 on a Macbook, the directory on the left side takes up 25% of the screen. Add in the preview image, and you're now 50% of the screen lost.

2. The classified ads themselves are to large with too much wasted space. On the current Marketplace with Prime, once can scroll and view 25 ads at a glance and move on. Here, in the same scroll, you will only see about 5.

3. Viewing the Red NSX for sale, if I click on the full size car pic (not the primary pic, but a secondary), there seems to be a big delay, or I need to click several times for it to open. When it does, the image is cut within the width of the window. You can scroll up and down to view the entire image, but nothing horizontal. This cuts off the front and rear of the car.

4. After viewing the image, if I click back, it takes me back to the main listing, not back to the ad itself.

I will continue with more analysis later. But so far, I really dislike the design.
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Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

This doesn't solve the concern with "scamming", but it does at more features and functionality to the existing marketplace. It took over from where vbClassifieds left off:
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

More Feedback:

1. Appears the boxes resize based on the amount of contest in the original ad. THe more content, the larger they are. Does this mean someone with A LOT of detail selling a vehicle, is going to take up the ENTIRE page?

2. How do I edit my post or make any revisions once submitted?

3. If the car is sold to a local buyer with a cashier's check, how do I note the sale and close the ad?
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

The interface itself is to large.

We have this 'tile view' in the queue. Do you prefer this 'tile view' as the default view? Or would you just like to see the listings condensed?

Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

This is the only forum I've seen try to implement such drastic measures :confused:

Why not use a vouching method. If you want to become a "trusted seller", one needs to vouch for you.

Easy, done.
Re: Beta testing Enthusify as a new Marketplace platform

More Feedback:

1. Appears the boxes resize based on the amount of contest in the original ad. THe more content, the larger they are. Does this mean someone with A LOT of detail selling a vehicle, is going to take up the ENTIRE page?

The descriptions in the search results will truncate after 400 characters. You'll need to click on the ad to see the full description.

2. How do I edit my post or make any revisions once submitted?

If you click on "Selling Activity" on the top right of the marketplace, you'll see an "edit listing" button next to each item you've posted.

3. If the car is sold to a local buyer with a cashier's check, how do I note the sale and close the ad?

If you go to "Selling Activity", you'll see a "cancel listing" button next to each item you've posted.
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