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My Ride Rules for the Local Guys -TV

4 August 2000
Atlanta, Georgia USA
Its apparent many of the local NSX guys didn't know about my NSX being on the show "My Ride Rules" which aired 5/1/12 on the speed channel.

Well they are re-airing the episode this up coming Tuesday 5/8/12 at 10:30PM.

If you are interested in seeing me act like a fool, please tune in!

May 8th 2012 10:30PM



Here is the link to the discussion.
I wanted to see it but my dang slingbox stopped working. That's the only way for me to get speed here at the hotel.

Congrats man, very cool.

I wanted to see it but my dang slingbox stopped working. That's the only way for me to get speed here at the hotel.

Congrats man, very cool.


Well there is another chance this week Tuesday at 10:30pm

I hope to have a copy on youtube or Speed website soon.
Well there is another chance this week Tuesday at 10:30pm

I hope to have a copy on youtube or Speed website soon.

Yeah i'm stuck here for a couple more weeks. What is the episode name, i might be able to get it on xfinity online.

I saw it. Thanks for letting me know at C&O. Nice to have an NSX on and carry the banner for the rest of us. Liked them calling it a "rare exotic". Is there anything you can tell us that was edited out?
It's wasn't on Hulu or Speed but it was found on a Google search. I'll look it up and post something when I get home
Thanks for for the suggestion Tim

My.Ride.Rules.S02E10.HDTV.XviD-CRiMSON.avi - 174.8 MB

<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='960' height='511'><param name='movie' value='http://daclips.in/player/player.swf'><param name='allowfullscreen' value='true'><param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><param name='flashvars' value='file=http://daclips.in/vidembed-59db1z53ewkn.avi&image='><embed src='http://daclips.in/player/player.swf' width='960' height='511' bgcolor='#000000' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='file=http://daclips.in/vidembed-59db1z53ewkn.avi&image=' /></object>
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Did I see a Confederate flag on the back of the hot rod?
Unfortunately that was a Confederate flag on the back of the hot rod. Up until about 8 years ago, the Confederate flag was incorporated into our state flag but that finally was changed.

All of my friends back in L.A. couldn't believe I actually got into a car with that on it. Gotta love the south!
Unfortunately that was a Confederate flag on the back of the hot rod. Up until about 8 years ago, the Confederate flag was incorporated into our state flag but that finally was changed.

All of my friends back in L.A. couldn't believe I actually got into a car with that on it. Gotta love the south!

Bet you couldn't say "I give him 0 for appearance and 0 for personality because Confederate flag" :rolleyes: