NSXCC - Lunch BBQ / Window pulley / jewelry party (ladies) - June 16 (or 30) 10-3

Lucas still around but hard to book him to our meets on weekends. You should come out and shoot our events. Haven't seen you in ages!! Stop being so busy and make some time for your NSX buddies!!
Had a blast today again... About to lay back and watch a movie, but I got some teaser shots ready for now...

(crappy facebook versions for now, I'll host them on my own site when I get them all done tomorrow...)



Thanks for Michelle and Rob for hosting :smile:

Poor guy never left his garage work bench the entire day ...
Let me know if you need an apprentice :tongue:
Thanks to everyone that attended. Super thanks to Owen who organized everything and kept everything in line. Huge thanks to Bash who stepped full bore with his chefs hat and barbeque tongs! Big thanks to Chris for pulling off his shirt and keeping the girls entertained! Just joking. Along with that Chris got his hands dirty and helped me hugggge! Pumped fist thanks to Daria who helped Rick get his Nsx to the event providing road assistance! Thanks for to Michelle for letting us do this and keeping the wives happy. Thanks to all attended in being polite and well behaved at my home. Thanks for the members who had their windows done and was very patient. In all another great Nsx summer event.
Another great event with a total of 14 NSXs and 22 attendees.

What a perfect day for our BBQ and pulleys upgrades. Big thank you to Robert and Michelle for once again playing host for the club. We know how difficult with two little ones needing attention. Special thanks to Bash for taking over chef duty making sure everyone is fed. Chris W for helping with cleaning and prepping the door panels for the install, and of course Robert for resetting all windows components with freshly updated parts making sure everyone goes home with better working windows.

Our day wouldn’t be complete without some type of incident and yesterday was no exception. On his way to the event, Captain Rick’s and wife Cristina’s day were interrupted by a flat and needed repeated deployment of our rescue crew (Bash, Daria, Adam, Lucas) due to missing lock nut key. After their two-hour ordeal, they still arrive in good spirit and enjoy some good companies.

My day ended with Daria kicking the fronts off my wheel hub to install the new 01 center cabs. The joke was that I had trouble using a 90 degree wrench when I expect it to work like a torque wrench. Goes to show how NOT handy I really am. Not to mention layers of dust left on my air box which people seems to notice and pointing out repeatedly.

In any events, here are some pictures I took from the day.

















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What an absolutely great day!

Thanks to Rob and Michelle for hosting a great day, and to the club for organizing such a kick butt day. The food was great, the company outstanding and cars amazing!

I look forward to the next one.
Looks like a great day........sorry I missed it, too busy finishing my building and no time for anything else yet..........almost done, then play time! Glad it went well.