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Unbelievable...tell us what you really think.

First this...

Then this...


Don't take this personal, but it appears as though there is a contradiction here.

Are words just "words", or does it depend on who they are directed at? From what you said in the two posts referenced above, I see it as you being okay with words that are directed at a group of people that you may or may not be associated with, but you will react to words directed at your loved ones. And don't tell me that it's different... remember, they are just "words".

My real point here is that this might be a good way for people to vent. I think James (02#154) put it very eloquently... People just need a little time to get over it. Whether you understand it or not, even mature "men" get offended (You know, kind of like if someone said something derogatory about one of your loved ones.)

On the other hand, I don't like to see anyone getting beat up in a forum like this... especially given the circumstances.

No one is perfect, we all make mistakes, we all react differently, we all say things that may seem contradictory, etc...

Like I said before, If I had a dollar for every time I got frustrated and said something insulting, I’d own a 2002 NSX by now. :eek: :biggrin:

I'd like to see the thread play itself out... at least for a while longer. If for anything else, to let some of the frustrations die down.



Hi Steve,

First of all, your post is fine and it will not be taken personally. But, taking one of the sentence in my post, does not tell the whole story. I just feel that in Ben's case, they are just words and it should just roll off the shoulder. As far as the daughter and whore thing, IMO that is different as a parent/father I will protect my daughter to the end (just ask a former boyfriend of my daughter's :biggrin: ) as that is the role I have taken seriously from a parental perspective. Again, my whole point to "Apples and Oranges", Ben's comments and the daughter/whore comment, are NO comparison.

So, you agree that Ben should stay in front of the "firing squad" until everyone has had there fill. Kind of extreme IMO. But, that's just me.

Its all about picking your battles. I chose not to be offended.


BTW, I believe we met at an SCA meet, when I was in town for business about 6 weeks ago. After the meet we all followed Vance to a place in Irvine for eats and drinks.
IMO as a business owner, to allow employees to display such behavior without consequences is unfair to my customers and ultimately to the employees themselves. Also my business would not be as prosperous if I had employees who, "don't try to build friendships with my customers" and "just do what they are supposed to do."

From personal experience, I too was treated unprofessionally by Ben on a past order. I was willing to overlook it but his public comment has crossed my tolerance line. Bringing this thread to the attention of friends, they, as well as myself, have decided to support other NSX vendors. Most of these vendors have catered to the same NSX community longer than DownForce but their employees have never displayed such negative public behavior.
NSX owners are not Pricks, we are Ballas

1. insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
2. obscene terms for penis [syn: cock]
3. the act of puncturing with a small point; "he gave the balloon a small prick"

1. A pimp or player. Someone who makes alot of money and can got anyone or anything that they want with no problem.
2. It requires much skill to achieve "balla" status

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Tvw2ATNhmCU"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Tvw2ATNhmCU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

I will support Downforce until my whole car is Carbon Firber.
I am a balla!
Shane I don't want to drag this on or get off topic. Well, it's a matter of opinion and you entitled to yours, but that doesn't change how I felt about how he responsed to my line of questioning. Understandablely you're a loyal customer of DF and kudos to you, but there is always two sides to a coin and not eveyone has the same personality. :rolleyes:

Jackson, there's nothing to be "loyal" about, DF offers good product with a reasonable price for NSX owners. If you like it, you will buy it, and if you find one better or cheaper, I am sure you'll go to them too.

I am not attempting to change your mind, but you are going a bit extreme here. Your line of questioning is that if the vendor don't make the part you want, then you will not consider anything else from them.
This situation reminds me of a situation that arose on the M3 forum with a company called Vorsteiner when they first came online. They came out with trumpets blaring with all sorts of claims. People got into a tiff on the boards with lots of accusations going back and forth (ex. include where the parts were made - Germany vs. China, etc...). People argued and swore up and down to be anti-Vorsteiner.

If you take a look at that forum today, most people that have aftermarket body parts have Vorsteiner. It is considered to be one of the better fitting parts right behind OEM CSL parts.

What I'm trying to get to is that even after this thread, many minds will not be changed. There will be those that will purchase parts from DF and those who will not. Whether we like it or not, DF fills a niche in this community in that they create parts that were either a) previously not created or b) cheaper alternative to OEM JDM type R.
...........Feel free to call and talk to Peter about me anytime. One of you have already done so.

I am not going anywhere. I will be here on Prime for years to come..........

WOULD YOU STOP POSTING ON PRIME :confused: your immaturity shows with each NEW post.

BenDF said:
"your...........phone calls, has any affect on my job security."

I would hope so? As a business owner I take complaints about my employees/contractors and have changed job descriptions, terminated, and have had to change shifts ("your not working out here") to get the most out of a group of people working together.

First thing I see as a problem here is your WEB access. I think your attitude would be more appreciated in the shipping department.

The best to Peter and HIS Business but he needs to look for a more level headed, mature, business oriented Secretary.
Jackson, there's nothing to be "loyal" about, DF offers good product with a reasonable price for NSX owners. If you like it, you will buy it, and if you find one better or cheaper, I am sure you'll go to them too.

I am not attempting to change your mind, but you are going a bit extreme here. Your line of questioning is that if the vendor don't make the part you want, then you will not consider anything else from them.

WOULD YOU STOP POSTING ON PRIME :confused: your immaturity shows with each NEW post.

Ditto to JeffShoots comment. You just don't get it and life is too short to spell everything out for you in black and white. Just drop it already, sheeesh!!:mad:
It is unlikely that any analogy to whores and fathers and pricks and NSX owners will ever completely convey the same tenor. What I do know is that when I read that Ben called NSX owners pricks, I felt offended for all of my NSX friends and colleagues as I hope they would feel offended for me.

I have read every post in this thread and many in the other threads. I find the business owners to be of the most level-headed posts here. Ben's actions on a public forum were not just unfortunate, they were unprofessional and intolerable. Many of you here seem willing to tolerate being called names so that you can get a nice car part. I am not in that category. I respect myself and my friends too much to tolerate that kind of behavior. I may be in the minority though.
It is unlikely that any analogy to whores and fathers and pricks and NSX owners will ever completely convey the same tenor. What I do know is that when I read that Ben called NSX owners pricks, I felt offended for all of my NSX friends and colleagues as I hope they would feel offended for me.

I have read every post in this thread and many in the other threads. I find the business owners to be of the most level-headed posts here. Ben's actions on a public forum were not just unfortunate, they were unprofessional and intolerable. Many of you here seem willing to tolerate being called names so that you can get a nice car part. I am not in that category. I respect myself and my friends too much to tolerate that kind of behavior. I may be in the minority though.

Ken you took the words out of my mouth, I couldn't have put it any better.
lol...Jesus Ben, you really need to take a class in customer relations. If I were Peter I'd be kicking your ass right now. :tongue:

Even if we are pricks, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT! (Or if you're stupid enough to get caught, you better learn ass kissing 101...) Damn dude, I'm trying to laugh this off, but your last post is borderline arrogance....and people just don't like that.

Keep it cool..take it like a man, and move on. :smile:
wow I never knew how sensitive some of the other members are on this thread. I guess I will never know how you guys feel. I would never be offended by something so petty. If that bothers some of you guys that much, than I can't imagine how you guys would deal with "real" problems.

my 2 cents ( putting on flame suit )

I have read every post in this thread and many in the other threads. I find the business owners to be of the most level-headed posts here. Ben's actions on a public forum were not just unfortunate, they were unprofessional and intolerable. Many of you here seem willing to tolerate being called names so that you can get a nice car part. I am not in that category. I respect myself and my friends too much to tolerate that kind of behavior. I may be in the minority though.
It is unlikely that any analogy to whores and fathers and pricks and NSX owners will ever completely convey the same tenor. What I do know is that when I read that Ben called NSX owners pricks, I felt offended for all of my NSX friends and colleagues as I hope they would feel offended for me.

I have read every post in this thread and many in the other threads. I find the business owners to be of the most level-headed posts here. Ben's actions on a public forum were not just unfortunate, they were unprofessional and intolerable. Many of you here seem willing to tolerate being called names so that you can get a nice car part. I am not in that category. I respect myself and my friends too much to tolerate that kind of behavior. I may be in the minority though.


I accept your position on this issue and I hope that you and everyone else accepts mine. BUT, I am not tolerating being called names to get a free part from DownForce. I am more than able to buy what I want when I want, provided I even want it. Just ask Larry Wu, I paid $2,500.00 (plus the cost for a used set of NSX headlights) for custom one off headlights for the NSX.

And since we are on the topic of whether we can buy parts for our NSX's, what befuddles me are the owners who buy a $30K used exotic sports car at minimum and upgrade with a wheel undeserving of the NSX. Yes, I understand that we all come from different financial positions, but for the love of GOD save your money and buy a quality wheel.

My Best to all NSX owners,


since you asked, i think it's entirely normal for a business (and its owner) to be impacted + / - for the actions of its employees. based on feedback, it seems likely that some folks will continue buying from the employee / vendor as they have in the past while others will take their business elsewhere.

You're right, Queen. After a fair bit of thought, I've taken back my position that this "shouldn't" impact the business owner. Ben continues to run his trap, and other examples of his lame behavior have popped up. Further, Ben's unprofessional Internet postings are well within the realm of RISK that Peter should have contemplated -- Downforce is largely an Internet-based marketer. If you sell stuff primarily through Internet marketing (for free, I might add), you should take your Internet reputation seriously and guard it above all else. Ben could have deleted his BMW forum posting (the thread was locked only yesterday), but chose not to. Downforce, with Ben still leading the charge, has failed in this regard -- the market will decide at what cost.

BTW, business is tough in the real world, even for us "sensitive types" :cool:
Well Ski_banker,

At first i thought you must be mad at downforce (Ben) for something so you searched the internet for anything you could find to discredit them.

Then you said that you were wrong for starting the post, aploogized for doing so and edited the original. I thought well maybe he (ski) is a good guy that made a mistake by posting something so old (i was wrong).

Now you edit the original again back to the way it was.

See how easy it is too post the the wrong thing, you have done it twice in the same thread.

Some of you guys need to drop the holier than thou attitude. You act like little kids that have never been out in the real world. Maybe it is just you have been sheltered your whole life by rich parents or something, I don't care.

This thread has opened my eyes about (some) of my fellow primers. Now i know more who to trust and who not to turn my back on. And you know what Peter should do? Nothing, because this whole thing is stupid.
Now, if he had called us Nappy-Headed Hos, that would have been the end of him! Pricks etc., he can keep his job. :wink:
I blew beer out of my nose. You owe me a beer. I am here in Garfield Ridge, Il, Beer me...:biggrin: :biggrin:
Hang in there Ben and DF.
Well Ski_banker,

At first i thought you must be mad at downforce (Ben) for something so you searched the internet for anything you could find to discredit them.
Not at all. This was addressed in post #32 of 140.

Then you said that you were wrong for starting the post, aploogized for doing so and edited the original. I thought well maybe he (ski) is a good guy that made a mistake by posting something so old (i was wrong).

Now you edit the original again back to the way it was.

See how easy it is too post the the wrong thing, you have done it twice in the same thread.
I changed my mind on 1) apologizing for starting a thread that, however indirectly, is relevant to all 18,000 NSX owners and 2) whom ultimately bears responsibility.
I blew beer out of my nose. You owe me a beer. I am here in Garfield Ridge, Il, Beer me...:biggrin: :biggrin:
Hang in there Ben and DF.

Hi Terry,

What are you doing out of nashville:biggrin: . Did you buy a new NSX? I didn't know you had a '04.
Not at all. This was addressed in post #32 of 140.

I changed my mind on 1) apologizing for starting a thread that, however indirectly, is relevant to all 18,000 NSX owners and 2) whom ultimately bears responsibility.
It was actually post #31 and yes i read your "reading the good and bad that others have to say" blah blah.

Then you go on to say "But, for someone with such a negative view of NSX owners"

You are basing that on his opinion of a few NSX owners, because this was 9/06 not yesterday. He had just started with downforce and had to deal with some pricks first thing. He said "they all seem" , not that all are and this was based on his limited experience with owners his first month. That is what you guys keep overlooking either by mistake or on purpose.

You say you care what people think about us and the NSX. Well you have screwed that up. Now when someone from outside reads this thread they are going to think

"Wow these guys won't even except this guys apology for something almost 9 months old, what a bunch of pricks"
Last edited:
Hi Terry,

What are you doing out of nashville:biggrin: . Did you buy a new NSX? I didn't know you had a '04.

Cage cleaning day...Yep, Yellow and Yellow. From the department of redundancy department in New York, New York :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Cage cleaning day...Yep, Yellow and Yellow. From the department of redundancy department in New York, New York :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Ok, now i am really mad :mad: . Where is your thread in the owners forum with all the pics? :biggrin: :biggrin:
That would be WingZ for one :smile: . Where you at wingy :biggrin: ?

Sorry bro just saw this thread. I've met more BMW jerks than NSX jerks myself and you should see the way BMW guys talk about each other. I guess I'm a mega jerk since I have both. I've dealt with Ben and he's always been cool with me so I couldn't imagine holding something like this against him or anyone else who deals with the public. When I worked at the airlines while I was in college I swore that 95% of the country was retarded/stupid. I still feel this way. I can't throw stones at Ben because I've insulted a much larger group of people..LOL
I missed the link since Ski removed it.
now that's it's been updated again i was able to read what happned..

pretty funny...
Was reading post POST#5

"This has nothing to do with the CA BMW scene . . .

But I have a friend who has an NSX and isn't a prick, and I worked with a guy who had one and he was cool and let me drive it. They're the only NSX owner's I've ever really talked to

I accept your position on this issue and I hope that you and everyone else accepts mine. BUT, I am not tolerating being called names to get a free part from DownForce.

Mike, just to set the record straight, I never mentioned getting a free part, but instead I said:

Many of you here seem willing to tolerate being called names so that you can get a nice car part.

...and I stand by that.

To go back to the "other" (whore) analogy, even if a girl that I know is not offended by being called a whore, I still am, and I will still defend her right not to be called one. (In fact, many young teens at my school seem oblivious to being called a b*tch in this day and age. I, as a teacher, am the one that must stand up for them and defend their dignity). In that sense, I reserve the right to be offended for all my NSX friends, even if they choose not to stand up for their own right not to be denigrated by others.