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Income/Salary range on the forum

Your Annual Income/Salary (bonus/misc included)

  • Student

    Votes: 11 7.9%
  • Unemployed

    Votes: 6 4.3%
  • Retired

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • $20,000 or less

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • $20,001-$50,000

    Votes: 7 5.0%
  • $50,001-$100,000

    Votes: 32 23.0%
  • $100,001-$150,000

    Votes: 34 24.5%
  • $150,001-$200,000

    Votes: 10 7.2%
  • $200,001-$250,000

    Votes: 8 5.8%
  • $250,001-$300,000

    Votes: 4 2.9%
  • $300,001-$400,000

    Votes: 4 2.9%
  • $400,001-$500,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $500,001-$750,000

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • $750,001-$1,000,000

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • $1,000,001-$1,500,000

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • $1,500,001-$2,000,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2,000,000+

    Votes: 11 7.9%

  • Total voters
5 people in the $2M+ per year? I call some serious BS.
why is that?

Statistics, my friend. Statistics.


I am trying to find that info. The best I can find is that, for the year 2005, there were 169,000 families that filed over $1M in income. So if we said 1/3 of those (probably much lower) make the $2M+ then we have 55770 families in the US that earned $2M or more 3 years ago.

How many members on this site? Even if we say that the average member is MUCH more affluent than your typical American, FIVE people is still a TON. How many people even read / responded to this thread? 575 views at last count.

It would take some more work to boil it down but its just statistically SLIM that five of those 55,750 people are ON this forum READING this thread and RESPONDING.

Id be shocked if even ONE was true. Send me a PM or email with a copy of your 2007 return and I will pay you $20. Not that you need it!!

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Statistics, my friend. Statistics.


I am trying to find that info. The best I can find is that, for the year 2005, there were 169,000 families that filed over $1M in income. So if we said 1/3 of those (probably much lower) make the $2M+ then we have 55770 families in the US that earned $2M or more 3 years ago.

How many members on this site? Even if we say that the average member is MUCH more affluent than your typical American, FIVE people is still a TON. How many people even read / responded to this thread? 575 views at last count.

It would take some more work to boil it down but its just statistically SLIM that five of those 55,750 people are ON this forum READING this thread and RESPONDING.
There's a fallacy in your statistics. I'm not sure why you choose 1/3 of the $1M in the $2M+ category, but even aside from that. The fallacy is, you're not taking those 575 people at random from the population at large. The 575 people are already self-selected from people who are interested in, and probably own, an impractical, expensive two-seat sports car. And that is an elite group indeed. No, not everyone in that group makes $2 million a year. But there is a tremendous overrepresentation of affluence in the group. While I don't know what most people here do for a living, I know there is a significant number of people who own sports cars that are a lot more expensive than the NSX - Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsche Turbos, etc. - and who have done some pretty amazing things in their careers, starting and running large businesses, etc. Furthermore, the number of people who respond to the poll is a subset of the people viewing this topic, and the people who respond is probably skewed to those who are willing to vote in such a poll - i.e. those whose income is on the high side (since those with lower incomes are more likely not to vote). I think it's quite possible that that is a legitimate number.
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There's a fallacy in your statistics. I'm not sure why you choose 1/3 of the $1M in the $2M+ category, but even aside from that.

Lets start there. Are you saying it should be MORE than 1/3? I think its much lower than 1/3, actually. If you say 100 people make $100k or more the chances that half of those, or even 1/4 of those actually make more than DOUBLE that, would be rare, I think. No?

The fallacy is, you're not taking those 575 people at random from the population at large. The 575 people are already self-selected from people who are interested in, and probably own, an impractical, expensive two-seat sports car. And that is an elite group indeed.

I'd have to agree with your thinking here.

No, not everyone in that group makes $2 million a year. But there is a tremendous overrepresentation of affluence in the group. While I don't know what most people here do for a living, I know there is a significant number of people who own sports cars that are a lot more expensive than the NSX - Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsche Turbos, etc. - and who have done some pretty amazing things in their careers, starting and running large businesses, etc. Furthermore, the number of people who respond to the poll is a subset of the people viewing this topic, and the people who respond is probably skewed to those who are willing to vote in such a poll - i.e. those whose income is on the high side (since those with lower incomes are more likely not to vote). I think it's quite possible that that is a legitimate number.

The fact is the AVERAGE person spends WAY more than they should on most things. So we have a LOT of young (20s) people on here making $20-30k per year and spending that on NSXs. I think this number FAR outweighs (now, but not when I joined) the highly affluent. I'm not saying thats a bad thing, its just how this market has played out.

Maybe I'm just jealous that the $2M per year money makers don't include me :wink:
Statistically? Personally, I think it different depending on where you happen to be looking from.

not statistically....reality lol.

see, I am so disconnected from what reality is these days....I have no idea what the people around me me...for example, from doctors, to lawyers, to mechanics, to a guy who owns a tanning salon, to a guy who owns a baskin robins...to the manager at a supermarket, etc etc etc...i dont know if $100k is a lot, $200k, or what haha....
not statistically....reality lol.

see, I am so disconnected from what reality is these days....I have no idea what the people around me me...for example, from doctors, to lawyers, to mechanics, to a guy who owns a tanning salon, to a guy who owns a baskin robins...to the manager at a supermarket, etc etc etc...i dont know if $100k is a lot, $200k, or what haha....

The internet has taken alot of guess work out of the facts of life,just google the profession you want to learn about,i'm sure there is mention of average or median income ranges.On the poll results,someone who made over 2m last year might have made much less in the past,but things like inheritance/selling a business ie cashing out,retirement savings/selling a house all may play into responders results.
The internet has taken alot of guess work out of the facts of life,just google the profession you want to learn about,i'm sure there is mention of average or median income ranges.On the poll results,someone who made over 2m last year might have made much less in the past,but things like inheritance/selling a business ie cashing out,retirement savings/selling a house all may play into responders results.

i should have said average of last two years?
not statistically....reality lol.

see, I am so disconnected from what reality is these days....I have no idea what the people around me me...for example, from doctors, to lawyers, to mechanics, to a guy who owns a tanning salon, to a guy who owns a baskin robins...to the manager at a supermarket, etc etc etc...i dont know if $100k is a lot, $200k, or what haha....

I vote for this thread being one of the dumbest thread! What a waste for Lud to host this crap. Yep i said it. CRAP!!!!

We should start fining people for starting Dumb A$$ threads and wasting our time. :mad: Seriously!
Next time Call your GOD DAMN CPA and ask your DUMB A$$ questions!
I vote for this thread being one of the dumbest thread! What a waste for Lud to host this crap. Yep i said it. CRAP!!!!

We should start fining people for starting Dumb A$$ threads and wasting our time. :mad: Seriously!
Next time Call your GOD DAMN CPA and ask your DUMB A$$ questions!

Wait what? WTF dude? Make your own thread to pointlessly rant on...
I vote for this thread being one of the dumbest thread! What a waste for Lud to host this crap. Yep i said it. CRAP!!!!

We should start fining people for starting Dumb A$$ threads and wasting our time. :mad: Seriously!
Next time Call your GOD DAMN CPA and ask your DUMB A$$ questions!

charming...tempted to not even answer, but thought you deserved some sort of response. nearly fell out of my chair, just such a unique and intelligent reply. thank you.
I'm amazed that 9 students own a NSX. Or are they just filling out this poll but don't own one.:confused:

I can think of 2-3 people on this forum who probably fit in the 2 Mill+ range.
I vote for this thread being one of the dumbest thread! What a waste for Lud to host this crap. Yep i said it. CRAP!!!!

We should start fining people for starting Dumb A$$ threads and wasting our time. :mad: Seriously!
Next time Call your GOD DAMN CPA and ask your DUMB A$$ questions!

Then hold back and don't respond! :biggrin:
5 people in the $2M+ per year? I call some serious BS.

It could be BS, but I don't think this is totally false or unreasonable. I have a friend who cleared $48M and $32M in the past 2 years on exercising his stock options (no, he didn't work for Google). He doesn't own an NSX or any exotic sports car, but does have a home that is worth about $3-$4M. So $2M+ per year is not unreasonable if you have good stock options. I am sure some NSX owners have those stock options. Top realtors in my area can be in that range also. Selling 6-7 houses multi-million dollar homes a year will get you in that range. Just remember Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, and Steve Wozniak all own NSXes. How do we know they didn't take this survey?:wink:
It could be BS, but I don't think this is totally false or unreasonable. I have a friend who cleared $48M and $32M in the past 2 years on exercising his stock options (no, he didn't work for Google). He doesn't own an NSX or any exotic sports car, but does have a home that is worth about $3-$4M. So $2M+ per year is not unreasonable if you have good stock options. I am sure some NSX owners have those stock options. Top realtors in my area can be in that range also. Selling 6-7 houses multi-million dollar homes a year will get you in that range. Just remember Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, and Steve Wozniak all own NSXes. How do we know they didn't take this survey?:wink:
they likely got their buddy's together and all voted to mess with our egos lol..

like I said, I wouldnt doubt that there are a number of high income folks on this board...just glad to be involved within a group of affluent people...
I vote for this thread being one of the dumbest thread! What a waste for Lud to host this crap. Yep i said it. CRAP!!!!

We should start fining people for starting Dumb A$$ threads and wasting our time. :mad: Seriously!
Next time Call your GOD DAMN CPA and ask your DUMB A$$ questions!

There actually is a fine in place for just that and the price is 2 million per violation. Lud can now answer the poll and pick the 2 million spot.

I know I made a few BILLION more than GM made last 1/4. :biggrin:
I'm amazed that 9 students own a NSX. Or are they just filling out this poll but don't own one.:confused:

The poll instructions don't require NSX ownership as a qualification for response. The poll only asks for income of those on the forum. That's where you are seeing the input from students (and a few probably do own NSXs).

And now reading this survey reminds me that I should have listened to my sister, gone to Med school and worked in Plastics to shoot Botox into peoples faces. I could have selected the $1M+ choice on the survey had I done that. :smile:
HAHAHA im one of the guys making over 2 mil how you like me now! remember thats a govt. retirement too. I guess the payroll lady screwed up. Free beer for everyone on prime!