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11th Annual CalCoastal NSX Canyon Drive - A NOT To Be Missed Event!! (Oct 16, 2011)

Wow, great day. I'm still grinning. Thanks to all for organizing and showing up. The description of the route was accurate and exciting. Nice to meet new friends and special shout out to Chase who drove all the way from Phoenix to participate.

Pam shot over 700 frames so it's going to be a while before we post up some pics. but we will post some pics soon. Thanks again.

Oh, when is the next one?:biggrin:
Another fun drive from CalCoastal and thanks to all who helped organize the event. Here are some pics. Video to come soon.

Here we are stopped for a much needed break.







Peter's engine bay:eek:




My dirty girl.


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Great day, super route selected, great company and a perfect day to share. I appreciate the invitation and all the work you did you make it happen (Scott you ARE THE MAN!! :biggrin:), I appreciate it everyone. Gil
CalCoastal NSX would like to thank everyone that participated. This includes NSX Owners, their spouses, passengers, and sponsors. Without you these events would not exist.

We would like to additionally thank all the sponsors who donated time, cash, office supplies and raffle prizes.

CalCoastal NSX Sponsors List:
Science of Speed (Chris)
Niguel Motors (Ramon)
CalCoastal NSX
Gil Leach Construction (coolNSX)
Dent Works (ANYTIME)
TMS, Inc Print On Demand (LMR)
Randy (FuryNSX)
Auto Wave (dynoMike and Shane)
Oakley (X-Toy)
Ontario Bakery (Ilya's Friend)
Pinnacle Audio Visual (Wirewizz)
Champion Karting (ss_md)

Another successful and safe Canyon Drive is now in the books. Thank you again and see you at the next one!!
All, I wanted to thank everyone for welcoming me "the guy from Phoenix" to the CC drive with a specific shout out to LMR for hosting/coordinating several get togethers prior to the CC drive.

Sincerely enjoyed meeting each of you and sharing an awesome driving experience together. The route was amazing, tough, demanding, scenic, and a helluva lot of fun.

Great times, great weekend, definitely memorable :biggrin:

Have pictures and video, will sort that out later to share
Thanks to John and Scott (and all the sponsors) for reminding me why I bought my NSX 15 years ago (has it rally been that long?:eek:) and I love it just as much today. Not just for the car and all that it has and does so well, but all the WONDERFUL people that make up the NSX Community!:smile:

Thanks again!:cool:
Thank you Scott and John for another great day (as usual). Good
seeing and/or meeting everyone today..........ready for the next one :biggrin:
Video to come soon.

Well maybe not.:frown: Too much bouncing around. Time to get a GoPro HD Hero. Our anniversary is coming so maybe it's time to get myself a gift after 20 years.:biggrin:
Thanks to John, Scott, sponsors and all the people that helped to make that event happen. I had a great time and look forward to next year's. Oh, I really like the CalCoastal Shirt. I will be sporting that shirt to work now.















Thanks, John & Scott, and everyone else who helped out with another great CalCoastal NSX Drive!! Once again, I had such a funtastic time out on those great roads you guys find.

Great pics, Les and Hugo. So that peeps outside of our little paradise called SoCal don't miss out on coverage of this terrific event, I've started a thread in the Picture Forum for pic posting, and have included your cool shots. :)

Thanks so much everyone that made this happen. Thanks John and Scott. That was the best route yet and the lunch was awesome too. The polo shirt, poster and V1 mount are great bonuses. Now I need me a V1. We had a great time.

Perry & Maria
Well maybe not.:frown: Too much bouncing around. Time to get a GoPro HD Hero. Our anniversary is coming so maybe it's time to get myself a gift after 20 years.:biggrin:
Les, just remember, "you can never be too good to yourself!" :biggrin:
Had a blast!!Thanks again to John, Scot and the many others involved in organizing this year's exciting and safe Canyon Drive. Thanks to group one for the assistance while my car kept dying on the freeway..and to Les and his wife for staying with me at Sylmar until my tow truck arrived - I really appreciate it Les.

It was nice to see everyone again - can't wait for next year's drive..:wink:

On board vid coming soon
Come on now! Really? Bouncing around or just getting embarrassed by a NA?:biggrin:

This is what I get for trying not to embarrass the wife for nodding off while taking video:frown:.

Les got owned by an na!!!!! I have to see this video.

No video as the wife was nodding off when we hit the straightaway and it startled her when I went WOT. She was telling me to take it easy so we cruised to triple digits.

BTW If I got owned by an NA so would you. Remember our 2nd gear pull on PCH:wink:. And I don't want to hear about your passenger. My spare tire and duffle bag of crap in my trunk weigh more than Nicole.

Les, just remember, "you can never be too good to yourself!" :biggrin:

Thanks Gil for being the only one to understand my post.:smile:
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Thanks John and Scott for keeping these not-to-be-missed runs going strong!

My pictures will come, but as I told everyone else, I shot nearly 2,000 photos in RAW during my recent trip through Southeast Asia, so it may be some time before I get to those from our drive.