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Who's the guilty party that outran the cops?


I'm sure if the guy driving kidnapped your kid, you would only want the cop to use his radio, turn off his lights and sit back in traffic. You know, just as little as the officer knew in the pursuit. (Why isn't the car stopping?) One could speculate and guess all day, but no one truly knows why the driver didn't stop; only the driver knows. Since there was no audio, no one knows what the officer was saying on the radio. They could've been "weak" in their pursuit, which was fairly evident, because they likely already knew his home address, and had officers waiting there. I am new to this forum, but owning this car, as I do, doesn't put you in a club that "protects their own." That driver was a ass, and should not be part of the community of Prime. Furthermore, I'm think it is a responsibility of this forum and its members to ferret this guy out and help LE, assuming they didn't already catch him at a later time, which they did. Amazing what one could find using FOIA.
And, I disagree that the officer was there to "mess" with the NSXs. The officer was on duty, patroling the street, when an idiot of a driver made the officer active his lights. The officer on duty, has a duty to investigate a crime in progress. That's why they get those fancy lights!

yeah....those wacky cops should be fired for jeopardizing the public like that!....lol....
the NSX is driving like an idiot, but the officer is the one who decides to go supercop, risking the welfare of not only the car which fled, but also the hundreds of citizens frantically trying to get out of the way of this police chase.

I see little reason to pursue a chase like this based on the video. In today's world, an owner of a car like that will have a hard time hiding.

knightbird said:
I'm sure if the guy driving kidnapped your kid
but he didn't kidnap anyone, which pretty much makes your argument just silly. Pursue felons with an interest in fleeing? Sure. Pursue people who are threatening someone's life (kidnappers, terrorists, etc)? Sure. Pursue kids out cruising in their sports car? No.
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I see little reason to pursue a chase like this based on the video. In today's world, an owner of a car like that will have a hard time hiding.

but he didn't kidnap anyone, which pretty much makes your argument just silly. Pursue felons with an interest in fleeing? Sure. Pursue people who are threatening someone's life (kidnappers, terrorists, etc)? Sure. Pursue kids out cruising in their sports car? No.

I'm sorry, is it your position in your 1st statement that the cops should not pursue because the owner of "a car like that" would have a hard time hiding? If so, your argument is just silly. The cops are chasing the guy because he is presenting a greater danger to public safety than they are by chasing him. That is the criteria, and agency policy varies from department to department.

Training and experience show that many (if not most) reckless drivers who flee the police are impaired (drugs or alcohol), wanted or have just committed a crime. I don't want him on the road and would expect the cops whose salary I help pay to remove him.

You may disagree about who is presenting the greater danger here but, I expect police to take action when needed and not look the other way. I've lost count of the number of pursuits I have been involved in that I terminated myself only to have the driver hurt someone down the road because he continues to drive like an idiot to get out of the area.

There is absolutely no evidence that the driver will stop driving like a moron once the cops terminate the pursuit.....in fact, he was driving like a moron before the cop activated his lights.

Your last statement, "pursue kids out cruising in their sports cars".....really? Thats what you see here?

What really dismays me in all this is the seeming lack of empathy or understanding of the seriousness of police pursuits and the all too common tragedies that result. Trust me, if any of you have had some jackass fleeing the police (for whatever f**ked up reason) kill or maim a loved one, they wouldnt view this as some kind of game.

Without a doubt some cops/supervisors or agencies (still) go too far in allowing pursuits to continue, given the nature of the offense, road and traffic conditions and many, many other factors. In most major agencies the pursuit policies have become extremely restrictive. There are huge civil liabilities for chasing and having something go bad and there are civil liabilities for NOT taking action, applying due diligence, failure to act etc.

Just my 2 cents, I would have pitted that car pretty early on....but not all agencies are trained in the PIT maneuver. JMHO
honestly, he was just driving fast on an empty dark road with his buddies... most NSX owners aren't kids, so it wasn't likely "kids out cruising" either. was that illegal? yes... and it would be dangerous IF anyone else was on that road. the weak chase took the wreckless driving into much more crowded places, so i would say that wasn't the smartest move. take him out or let him go. the people you vowed to serve and protect were clearly in danger thanks to that. its a tough call, but you can see here that chasing him did no good. he had the license plate because he had been following him prior and that is all they had after chasing him and endangering lives.
Training and experience show that many (if not most) reckless drivers who flee the police are impaired (drugs or alcohol), wanted or have just committed a crime.
I would agree that people who feel from the police have just committed a crime. I think that what we have seen of this scenario (3 NSXs out "cruising") suggests that this is not the case here.

As for taking an impaired driver and encouraging him to drive in an even MORE reckless fashion by pursuing them, I find it somewhat disturbing that you don't view that as irresponsible behavior. You really feel that the appropriate response to a hopped up kid in a fast car is to turn on your lights and put him in a Hollywood type action scene? That to me just strikes at the absurd.

I'm sorry, is it your position in your 1st statement that the cops should not pursue because the owner of "a car like that" would have a hard time hiding? If so, your argument is just silly.
What is silly about it? The vehicle is likely to be registered. The other two drivers pulled over. As was mentioned previously, it wouldn't be challenging to determine who the driver is and where he/she lives. It isn't an obscure, hard to locate vehicle.

You may disagree about who is presenting the greater danger here
Very clearly we do. I suspect that the reckless nature of people goes up by a factor of ten once they see the flashing lights in their rear view mirror and their adrenaline kicks in with the "thrill" of being pursued.

Your last statement, "pursue kids out cruising in their sports cars".....really? Thats what you see here?
Yep. What do you see? Drug runners? Bank robbers? Serial rapists?

Trust me, if any of you have had some jackass fleeing the police (for whatever f**ked up reason) kill or maim a loved one, they wouldnt view this as some kind of game.
I promise you that I don't see this as a game. I just worry that police officers don't see it as a game, or aren't seeing it from a skewed perspective. Creating situations that encourage reckless driving (high speed pursuits) should be decisions taken very, very seriously. I don't see an evidence of that in this video. Let that kid fly off in to the distance for a bit. Without lights in the background spurring him/her on they will slow down and the law will catch up with him/her eventually.
I'm sorry, is it your position in your 1st statement that the cops should not pursue because the owner of "a car like that" would have a hard time hiding? If so, your argument is just silly.

I agree.

The cops are chasing the guy because he is presenting a greater danger to public safety than they are by chasing him. That is the criteria, and agency policy varies from department to department.

Not in this video. I did not see any "reckless" driving until after the chase began. Yes, he passed on the double yellow line but it didn't look like those guys were street racing or really doing anything other than maybe speeding.

Training and experience show that many (if not most) reckless drivers who flee the police are impaired (drugs or alcohol), wanted or have just committed a crime.

So guilty until proven innocent? I asked a cop last week during a discussion on DUI stops what constitutes "reasonable suspicion" and "probable cause". His answer - "anything I say it does and am willing to get up on the stand and claim."

You may disagree about who is presenting the greater danger here but, I expect police to take action when needed and not look the other way. I've lost count of the number of pursuits I have been involved in that I terminated myself only to have the driver hurt someone down the road because he continues to drive like an idiot to get out of the area.

There is absolutely no evidence that the driver will stop driving like a moron once the cops terminate the pursuit.....in fact, he was driving like a moron before the cop activated his lights.

Your last statement, "pursue kids out cruising in their sports cars".....really? Thats what you see here?

What really dismays me in all this is the seeming lack of empathy or understanding of the seriousness of police pursuits and the all too common tragedies that result. Trust me, if any of you have had some jackass fleeing the police (for whatever f**ked up reason) kill or maim a loved one, they wouldnt view this as some kind of game.

Without a doubt some cops/supervisors or agencies (still) go too far in allowing pursuits to continue, given the nature of the offense, road and traffic conditions and many, many other factors. In most major agencies the pursuit policies have become extremely restrictive. There are huge civil liabilities for chasing and having something go bad and there are civil liabilities for NOT taking action, applying due diligence, failure to act etc.

Just my 2 cents, I would have pitted that car pretty early on....but not all agencies are trained in the PIT maneuver. JMHO

I don't necessarily disagree with what you are saying, but it's a judgement call and all too often cops get the "red mist" that they are going to ketch these guys come hell or high water. To them it's more of a game. If you do a google search, the number of high speed chases every single day is mind boggling. If this is such a common problem, then the cops SHOULD be going through recurrent training often to practice these skills and co-ordination with other officers in a controlled environment as apparently they have to use these skills often.
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well.......i appreciate your points of view......gunna leave this one and go drive the NSX to my massage appt....its sunny this morning!
If you do a google search, the number of high speed chases every single day is mind boggling.

If that's true, then cruisers should be outfitted with that kind of vehicle taser they used on Paul Walkers Skyline in F&F2 :biggrin:

The two times I've had police lights flash on behind me, it was "Oh crap." There's not even one thought in my brain of trying to outrun them. But then again, I'm not a felon.

If you try to flee, then yes, you are guilty until proven innocent.

There's too many variables in people and personalities between law officers and civilians that BOTH sides have to be careful. Just try to be safe.

Cant believe they got away especialy the parking lot seen . I would never do that in my NSX.
Well entertaining video, we don't see those kind of videos here in Europe and much more seldomly with an NSX. Oh BTW it needs a 500+ hp car here in Switzerland to get away as our police cars are heavily tuned BMW's and the like.
There's too many variables in people and personalities between law officers and civilians that BOTH sides have to be careful. Just try to be safe.


Dave, you are absolutely correct.

I was pulled over at 2am leaving a bar last week. Cop was coming the other way and saw me pull out, flipped a U and turned on his lights. I had made a left turn onto the street and then an immediate right onto the highway on-ramp. He asked what my hurry was? Told him "no hurry, it's 2am, why?" He then proceeded to tell me that I was doing 52 in a 35. BS! I made a left turn, followed by a right turn literally 100' later to get on to the highway. Then the real question and the reason he pulled me over - "have you had anything to drink tonight?" Nope. Nothing but Diet Coke all night. He was "fishing" and a red NSX pulling out of a bar at 2am was the "Big Tuna". Wrote me a written warning and where it said infraction - just put speeding. No 52 in 35. Nope. And then thanked me for not running (as by the time he pulled the U-turn I was already 1/2 way down the on-ramp).

And you are right. People are human, and this guy was fishing, lied about my speed to get his "reasonable suspicion" for the traffic stop to check to see if I was DUI and at least was polite, and threw me back into the pond. Now, I didn't appreciate being targeted and more importantly lied to about speeding but hey - that's the way it goes. If I was a cop at 2am, not sure I wouldn't have done the same. :rolleyes:
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When I still had my S2000, I got pulled over in a small town in central florida. I think my invidia exhaust was a little loud :) He said he clocked me doing 45 in a 35. I know was a lie because I have a radar detector. He said he would just give me a ticket for speeding since he wanted to give me a break. I believe that he pulled me over because he thought I was a " young asian boy" driving a loud import through a small town in Florida. Im 40 but look younger. I could of outran him - he was driving a ford explorer :) but I would never take the risk. My life and of others are worth more than the $100 ticket that he gave me - at least it came with no points. :)
That is pretty crazy.

Isn't that the White NSX that I saw on the government siezed car auction that was sold for $250.00 ? ? ?

(I kid ... just couldn't resist... but I do wonder if it wasn't siezed and auctioned off someplace)
Is it just me or does it seem that in these car chases I've watched, including this one, the police let the culprit have a way out? They always get the car cornered on just 3 sides and let the guy have an escape route. Do they just want to keep on chasing the guy? Why not just ram the bastard when given the chance? I'm just sayin'
I'd take a Tumbler if we are still taking votes. But only if it were matte black and could do everything Batman's can do in the movie.. .including the upcoming movie where it flies.

The only problem I have with this video (other than it was a poor decision for all involved in the chase), is the "hero" type that always thinks that they can help the police by turning vigilante and using his/her own vehicle as a barricade between the fleeing vehicle and the open road (see the jackass in the truck about 3 minutes or so into the video as he tried to cut the NSX off). This move more often than not ends up in a violent collision in which the "hero" ends up hurt and the hero vehicle totaled. No law enforcement agency will pay for the damages, hospital bills, or total loss. And its well publicized that law enforcement does NOT WANT civilians trying to take the law into their own hands.
I'd take a Tumbler if we are still taking votes. But only if it were matte black and could do everything Batman's can do in the movie.. .including the upcoming movie where it flies.

The only problem I have with this video (other than it was a poor decision for all involved in the chase), is the "hero" type that always thinks that they can help the police by turning vigilante and using his/her own vehicle as a barricade between the fleeing vehicle and the open road (see the jackass in the truck about 3 minutes or so into the video as he tried to cut the NSX off). This move more often than not ends up in a violent collision in which the "hero" ends up hurt and the hero vehicle totaled. No law enforcement agency will pay for the damages, hospital bills, or total loss. And its well publicized that law enforcement does NOT WANT civilians trying to take the law into their own hands.

You know I thought the same thing, BUT it's also possible he was just trying to pull over to the shoulder to let the cops by when he saw the lights. Unfortunately, the nsx was occupying that space at that time. Tough to tell.

sent from my crappy cell phone.
ok we need a cliff-note version....for those of us (like me) late to the party....so many pages so quickly.....why:confused:
ok we need a cliff-note version....for those of us (like me) late to the party....so many pages so quickly.....why:confused:

Jacka$$ in white NSX runs from the po-po.

It gets argued that we should "protect our own" on the forum and not try to identify car/owner.

It get argued that an a$$hat is an a$$hat and that this isn't a community for criminals to hide in and we don't protect them (criminals.....also NSXNick and smoore were referenced).

It gets argued that the cop is at fault for even trying to stop the NSX in the first place for speeding -when it was obvious they (three NSX's) were just out cruising when the white NSX took off at VERY high speeds- let alone chase him/her and endangering the community (especially when they own a car like that).

It then gets argued that people only run from the police when they have something to hide.

Okay..you are up to date, however, you should also pick a vehicle that you would want if you were to ever run from 5-0.

There....all caught up......

sent from my crappy cell phone.
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So this pic tells me on of two things.....

1) This guy should have had a NSX and maybe he would have gotten away! This proves that NSX>360! :tongue:


2) If that police had a Gallardo the NSX would not have gotten away!

3) Apparently stiletto heels do not impair high speed chases

4) that is one big PR24, I didn't know anyone carried them anymore!....wonder what she does with it! :redface:
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